Hey guys, is it just me our are there very few of us, maybe this means we have a better shot since they do have to send some guys to the canada pavilion, after all canada isn't just made up of girls, lol, yea so if you have any info as to how many guys were at your interviews i'd love to here it, Toronto interviews the're were like 6 of us maybe, so I'm hjoping we get recognized more easily, keep me posted guys. Jase Gray
Well, the Toronto interview was quite a lot of people that showed up considering it was rescheduled. Eventhough there were couple of people names that didn't showed up. Math wise, we all know there's only 36 positions plus the 2 on March 29. Plus there might be some positions that opens up between now and October (and I say October because that's when they have the Vancouver interview and usually they give any emergency dates to them) So 38 positions might bump up to anywhere from 38-43 maybe. It all depends on who leaving early. Julie said that they booked 100 people combine from all cities and there's always people that don't show up to the interview. But I'll be honest with you guys, it is sitll a tough game. Not all of us going to make it but like Eric said at the interview. but don't lose hope either. There is always a chance that applicants will get accepted later if they don't get in right now. Now I must go back to sit by the phone again, and it's funny because I know they aren't going to phone this weekend. LOL Gary
You're absoulety right Gary, Everyone needs to keep up hope, we all want this badly. I hope you get hired, you seem like you really want it. Eric emailed me to tell me i got the job, Im soo happy, I leave in sept, I nearly flipped when i got the email. Yeaaaaaa DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jase Gray Good luck to the rest of you boys!!!!
I agree that hopefully all of the guys get hired. I think at the Toronto interviews, I counted maybe six guys so I hoped to stand out when I interviewed. I am wondering which people are on this board, maybe I spoke with you at the interviews? Now I shall wait in excruciating excitement.
ok i can help you guys, there was only 3 men at the montreal interview so your not a lot of men as we can see! so better chances for you and that's why maybe you heard before the women i dont konw if the guys at the mtl interview heard yet ... anyway hope this helped! byebey joelle
I realize this is just another way to torture myself thinking about this and over analyzing everything but there were only 4 guys at the Halifax interview! - so that is 13 total? - I know they still look at our qualities and strengths - but wouldn't they want to have somewhat even numbers? - if thats the case - we all get in and still are a minority ?!?! - well this is just my weird thought process - in 5 minutes I will have come up with a new reason why I won't get in - I just can't win - I'm glad this wait is not too long! -Derek-
Don't worry derek, i bet you are proabably in man, they need to hire more guys, i got in since sat, you will get the call from eric on the 23rd, be ready, keep me posted. Jase
There was 3 in montreal!!!! and one of the guys came all the way from Victoria, to toronto then found out the interviews were re-scheduled so he flew to montreal...... Im betting Hes gonna get the job for sure.....all the guys at the interview were awesome... good luck to everyone.....this waiting is really starting to suck :'( :-\
I was one of those three guys at the Montreal interview... not the one from BC, but still a good 6 hours plus the overnight stay. Was very worth it just to meet everyone though, I had a lot of fun. I haven't heard anything back yet, but here's hoping.