How did your F2F go?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by fleur_charms, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    I know some of you have already had your f2f. How did it go? What was the order of the day? How do you feel you did? ;D
  2. beccac123

    beccac123 New Member

    Heyy I had my F2F interview on fri 13th... it went really well the day went as follws:

    9:30 arrive at RGU uni in Aberdeen (luckily this is my uni so i knew my way around)
    10 am Yummy jobs people jill and matt and jason arrive along with the guys from Central Michigan Uni - Dean
    10:15 they handed out forms to fill in: mainly to do with passport info and previous jobs - basically everything u have one you form ur cv and passport so all easy to fill in.
    10:30 presentation on Disney, was good, showed the potential jobs you could have, we were also spoken to by disney icp alumni which was good, had a bit of a question and answer section. Oh there was also a quiz at the start where u could win a disney pen/bag...
    11:30 we wer handed out a form with the potential job roles we could do. They then read out interview times..mine wasn't until 3pm... so i had ages of waiting about to do and plenty of time to get more and more nervous.
    I then filled in the choices form (i ticked everything)
    2.40 i headed to meet the yummy jobs guy jason and he took bits and bobs off my like my passport copies and birth certificate copy and checked i was who i said i was etc and then walked me to my interview.

    The interview lasted approx 20 mins and it was me and another girl.... was a nice interview, relaxed and more like a chat, i had jill.. she was lovely and made it lighthearted and fun.. Anyways something must have gone weel because on monday i got a call saying im going :D

    If you have any questions i would be more than happy to try and help because i was really nervous before interview and asked a ton of questions to ppl on here!

  3. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    U no ur goin already?
  4. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    i wana go lol. aww my interview isn't till saturday. LAME!
  5. BANGItsLaura

    BANGItsLaura New Member

    Very well done! That's really good that you know you're going so soon!
    Do you know what the latest time an interview was held? Like what time was the last interview?

    Congrats again!
  6. hevzzz

    hevzzz New Member

    awww well done to you!! glad it went well :) hope it's the same for everyone else! xx
  7. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i dont think mine went so well cos i didn't know we'd be in pairs and the person i was with had already worked for camp america twice so he had loads to talk about, i got squashed. ahh well =[
  8. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I don't know how they decide which Uni's they are going to for the interviews because they have never been to my Uni!'s crazy you found out so quickly... I am presuming that it's because it was a Uni one not a general "london" one.. in 2008 it was a month before I found out! :eek:
  9. By the sounds of it the only interviews to be done in pairs seems to be the one's held at the universities, i really hope the London ones are singular, no offense. Just seems in pairs one person could be over-shadowed or maybe even speak too much!
  10. beccac123

    beccac123 New Member

    Yeah i was really nervous about it being an interview in pairs.. i thought it was going to be like us competing to get what we wanted to say in... and in a way it kinda was. If the other person speaks too much you just have to but in and make sure you are heard. So i would just go for it and make sure you are the one that shines!
  11. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    In 2008 we did them in pairs in London. Sometimes it's easier actually, gives you a bit of time to think whilst the other person is answering!
  12. Oh ok, at least i've got a heads up, won't just look shocked when i walk in :p
  13. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    I just had my interview in Liverpool! Was really fun!

    Loved Valery on the intro video haha! Got me excited anywhooo!

    Most of the day was spent in starbucks haha... but met some nice people! The girl I went into my interview with (hi nancy if u read this!) was lovely and we had a good interview!

    i wanna do character performer and the guy who interviewed me measured me and said i was the perfect height for character work! yaaay!

    we were told we'll find out on friday....fingers crossed!!
  14. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    Just got back from my interview in Liverpool, think it went pretty well :) jeff had my record sheet from this summer and it had a big 'YES' written on it coz I had no reprimands so that's a good start! *hopefully* will get attractions again!! Good luck everyone!
  15. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    !mY interrview qwet well i think, i had jill but my interview lasted quiet a while!! convo even ended up about cats hahah lol it was fun. The pairs thing worked well for me as me and thr girl were pretty different so all our answears well different i think we both done well :D although i cant be a life guard becuase of my tattoo which kinda sucks :( hoping for character attndant now !!! xxxx
  16. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I had Jill at Liverpool and think it went ok but maybe i talked too much :-\. I wasn't measured for character performer tho. I can't believe that they will be letting us know on friday, thats sooooo soon lol. I'm gonna be checking my emails constantly again x
  17. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    are we finding out on friday?!?! i got told next friday, as in a week on friday!
  18. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i got told that too, sounds a bit more realistic x
  19. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Wow that is so early, we were waiting quite a few weeks last year. Well congratz to those who are in and good luck for those waiting to find out! Charlotte, i hope you get back, so many more adventures to come! hehe.
  20. Hopefully they tell the London lot quite soon after the interview, i hate the waiting.

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