
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by mac shell, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. mac shell

    mac shell New Member


    Im just wondering when we arrive we will obviously be told where we are going to stay, is it all new arrivals that will be put in the same houses or can you be put in with someone thats already been there for a while??
  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    It seems totally random... you can be put into one of three apartment complexes (Vista Way, Chatham Square or Pattison Court). Some people get put in with other british people or people from thier country, whereas you could equally end up in an apartment with people from another country completely... it will be all girls or all boys tho - no mixed apartments.

    In 2008, I was in Vista Way with 4 girls from barbados and a girl from south america. My friend was in another apartment with 3 chinese girls, an american, a british girl (on a different program) and herself... so its all random.
  3. captain_kylie

    captain_kylie New Member

    Yep its completely random!

    I cried when I got there, me and my boyfriend went together and were hoping to be on the same complex, but out of the 12 of us that arrived together, 2 of us were put in patterson and another 1 put in vista with the rest going to Chatham! And then when I got in the apartment I was with 5 chinese girls who had been there for 3 months so it was all a bit scary at first!

    But! it worked out fine, too be honest you rarely spend time with the people in your apartment as your always out! It's most likely you'll have different times at work so you'll just be creeping around morning or night! lol but hoping for Patterson this year, the pool is lovely and the complex is lovely too!

  4. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    I was kinda hoping that we all moved into the housing on the same day so we were all in the same situation i dont really like the idea of moving in when everyones been there for months and already settled and stuff and we have to just stroll in there house :s xxx
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    The best way of describing it is it's like walking into the big brother house.... LOL. It is a bit nerve wracking living with people who have already been there before but as the others have said, you don't spend that much time there... my roommate worked totally opposite hours to me so when I was at work, she was asleep and when I returned home, she'd be getting up a couple of hours later and going to work so when I got up she was still out. We always missed each other! Not a big loss I have to say.... but yeah, don't worry. And you may well end up with someone else who starts when you do!
  6. captain_kylie

    captain_kylie New Member

    Yeah some people were put into the nice 4 bedroom apartments on chatham which are huge and they all moved in on the same day, some english some french etc and they had as good a time as anyone.

    I'll probably be requesting a wellness apartment as I don't drink and even though I'll be over 21 I don't want to get stuck in a party apartment lol.

    But basically think of it this way, there's nothing you can do so there's nothing to worry about! If you get there and hate the people you are living with then you can request to move after 3 weeks for $50.

    And if you find your room mates intimidating etc they will move you asap so don't worry just look forward to it! :)

    If you hate your apartment its prob for the better because you'll always want to be out and about! :)

  7. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I feel the same but then it'll be good not to have to worry about being caught with alcohol in the apartment... seen as a lot of under 21s try to hide it... I will probs just be in an over 21 apartment :)
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Same! I don't drink, but I was terrified all summer someone would bring back alcohol and we'd get caught... I think a lot of American's uncer 21 drink as they are more used to it (and the penalties for them are not quite as bad... they won't be kicked out of America, and have entry refused in future!). 2 people I worked with who were under 21 kept alcohol locked in their lockers.
    If I was in a party apartment I could move - I'd find that intimidating!
  9. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Aw i totally want a party apartement lol i love a bit of wildness ha! I will actually be deivistated if I get stuck with really quiet shy people or in a one bedroom apartment it would be sooo bad :( xxx
  10. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Same... I like a party now and again but Im not one of those people who goes out every night.... and with the shifts you get, you need your sleep when you can get it!! Im sure you'd agree with me on that one katie!
  11. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    It's really not fun to get home after a 14 hour shift to find loads of people in your apartment haha. I'd much rather be in a quiet apartment - if I feel like a party, I'll go out :)
  12. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    OMG we do 14 hour shifts lol what hahah... didnt know that!! Yea a suppose but ad hate to live with people that just wouldnt have them lol I be the person that people would hate for having the parties haha xxx
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    LOL yes, 14 hour shifts sometimes and very often you're working the closing shift which means you're there til the park closes (and beyond, depending on your job) which in the magic kingdom could mean you're working til 2/3am...
  14. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    I came home once to a beer bottle on the table, and threw it out the door. I was pissed. I was in a Wellness and I was not jeopardizing my chances of working for Disney. The roommates weren't happy with me after that!
  15. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I think thats fair enough... you could have been a security guard come to do a spot check... I think it's an easy enough rule to stick by, its selfish to end up getting someone else punished for something you've done as well... drinking underage is just not worth the risk!
  16. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    yea defo!! Ill be 21 when i go but its so not worth the risk of lossing the job to get drunk!! I could easily go the summer without drinking but since Im allowed lol well its not really an issue :pxxx
  17. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Definitely! The latest I was supposed to finish was 10.45pm (fairly early by MK standards!) due to the restaurant... but often we'd finish later, and go somewhere to eat/hang out after - so I was glad my apartment was quiet!
    We had a beer bottle on the table, we asked whose it was (me and my roommate), someone said it was theirs, we asked them to get rid of it, when they didn't we got rid of it. They didn't complain, but maybe they didn't know it was us!
    I think it is selfish to jeopardise someone elses chance of staying in the country by your actions - so I'll hopefully be in non-wellness... but they had better at least ASK before having a party... if we're all in party apartments and don't like it, we should ask to move in together. :)
    And Michelle... trust me, if your working late every night the LAST thing you want to do is party (except maybe on your days off!) - working at Disney is exhausting!
  18. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Lol yea a suppose am forgetting everyone finishes at different times sso you could go home and theres a party already happeneing that you serously cant be bothered with lol!! I can sleep through anything so Im sorted ha!! So about these 14 hour long shifts thats sooo intense!! Does everyone end up working mental hours like that?? Ive never been to disney so I have no idea what to expect
    I dont even no what time the parks shut at?? xxx
  19. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    It depends on which park you're working in... with the exception of animal kingdom (that shuts at about 7pm) the other three parks are usually open until at least 10/11pm... the magic kingdom is open until 12 midnight most of the time in the summer. Then you have to add the "extra magic hours" which are for the hotel guests, they get to stay in the parks for sometimes up to 3 extra hours after it 'shuts'... so in MK it could end up shutting at about 3am. It also depends on the role you are doing, if it's merchandise you will be working for longer, whereas food roles shut earlier and so do attractions etc... im not too sure on other roles because I did merch.

    So yeah, the whole experience is very intense but its a work hard, play hard kind of thing... all the ICPs will work somewhere between 35-50 hours a week as standard and often the late night shifts!!
  20. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I worked attractions at the Studios, some nights it shut at 7 which meant I finished at half 7, other nights it shut at 10. BUT they had conventions until 1am some nights, so I would finish at 1.30, and if you're relying on busses that means not getting home until 2.30.

    It can be annoying when you want to go on the internet or something and there's loads of people in the living room, but you just have to get over it. I really want a quiet apartment, mostly because I'd rather be out having fun then go back to the apartment to sleep than sit around in an apartment. There's so many places to go, I don't want to stay in my apartment!!!

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