hours per week / salary

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Sarastro, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Sarastro

    Sarastro New Member

    Hey there!

    Hope the question hasn't been asked yet : d'like to know how many hours we're supposed to work a week?

    I've heard some gossip which said that it was possible to work 5 days and have two-days break OR 10days and 4-days break... were I drunk when I heard it or is it actually the case??? ???

    And 'cause I'm to lazy to calculate, how much do we approximatively have when all the charges are put out to live? For an example, when I was working in DisneyParis, I was earning 1150euros (about 1000$) and I had 700euros left for me at the end of the month, which was just enough to have fun and to buy food, do the laundry etc...

    thx all!
  2. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Hi Jonathan,
    Well i can help a little bit, you get paid $6.80 an hr and i think you're guaranteed either 30/35 (cant remember which) hrs a week so u have enougth to live on. think accomodation is around $70 a week depends on apt size.

    They said at the presentation that every so often u can get back 2backs where u work ten days and then get 4 days off...

    Hope to see u out there i start in June,
    Marie xxx
  3. Matt Gilbert

    Matt Gilbert New Member

    I was just about to post what you said Marie and I had a warning sayin some1 else replied! lol!! :D
  4. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Ooops sorry Matt lol beat u to it! :)

  5. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    she's done that to me a few times too matt!

  6. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    The hours you will work will depend on whether you are F&B or Merch, your seniority and the time of the year (how busy the park is). Minimum is 30 hours. Maximum is 40 hours before you get into overtime. It wasn't unheard of to work 50 hours when you first get there and are the low man in the seniority ladder! Whether you will work 4 days or 5 days also depends on seniority. Hope this helps a little...that's the basics...there is a lot more too it, but I'll just confuse you if I start trying to explain line picks!

  7. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    thanks shan

    lol linz, marie always does that 2 me, lol

  8. feeona

    feeona New Member

    Does anybody know what the hours are like in operations? Are they average or more? Does the pay vary dependent on what you do?
  9. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    haha sara!!

    wow shan 50 hrs seems a lot! but i guess we'll get better at the job the more we're workin!?

  10. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    can I ask, what exactly does operations involve? I know we can do merch or f&b, do we get options to do anything else?
  11. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    hey may be wrong but it could be filling up and stuff. well thats what it is at my work right now, could be wrong though!

    btw, zanitta....love your name! its so nice!

  12. feeona

    feeona New Member

    from what i was told operations is basically working on the rides, clipping ppl on, queue management etc. Also it can include car park attendant - a job i dont want to end up doing.
  13. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    hehe, thanks!

    parking attendant, hmmm, think it may be safer just to say merch :D
  14. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    parking attendant would be sooo hot to do! but they get those cool scooter things!

  15. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol i know linz i want one of them scooters!

    doin the year program u do f&b or merch, for college u can do operations which is other depts like rides, cleaning, etc etc, as far as i know anyway

  16. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Ooopppsss im soooo sorry guys!

  17. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    theyre so cool arent they. it's funny when ou see little old men on them!haha. apparently airlines use them now in big airports!

    Marie, dont worry about it!

  18. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    50 hours DOES suck...and it's usually right when you arrive, so you need money...but it can stress a lot of newbies out...but just remember that you'll be killing for the money you're making later on (OT is like $10/hr!!!) and that the hours will die down eventually...you will survive and have some nice money to spend later on!

  19. feeona

    feeona New Member

    how many hours do you work before you get over time? do they manage it on a weekly or daily basis, for example over 8 hours a day and the extra is over time?
  20. Marie

    Marie Guest

    I guess that will get us into swing of things - i'll def need the overtime at the beginning... it will be tough but at least you know it can only get easier...

    Feeona i heard it was 35 hrs b4 u get overtime. Tho if u always work 10 hr shifts its different. Sure one of the alumni will help!


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