*Hits head on desk* UPDATED!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Megara, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. Megara

    Megara New Member

    I've just had my phone interview with Jason..... I don't think it could have gone worse! I can almost hear the rejection letter flying throught the post as I type. :'(

    Talk about total brain disconnection! I was asked what I would take with me to represent Britain, I could have said a Pub, or the Crown jewels, or the houses of Parilment, oh no, what did I say?? I said a cornish pasty ARRRGGG!

    Ok, I feel better now... and probably should have re-introduced myself as it has been an age since I've been here, but thee we are. Hi everyone *waves* I'm Megara, better know to my family as Nic, pleased to meet you all again ;D
  2. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    aww, no worries though. Sometimes however stupid you think you sounded it can come out much better. Think about it, everyone says pubs or parliament and things like that, they're looking to represent the diversities of british society, cornish pasties will make you stand out a bit, give you a quirkiness and a more regional flavour that willl help you rather than harm your application.
  3. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    *waves back*

    hey im sure it went better than u think, and with regards to ur answer he could think you have a good sense of humour or something which would work in your favour!

    anyway welcome back to the boards, i have my fingers crossed for u as i'm sure everyone else has  ;D

    let us know when you hear anything

    take care  :D
  4. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    *Hugs Zanitta and Jess* You two have made me feel so much better. I hadn't thought of the quirkyness value ;) I might have impressed him with my insane knolwlage of the history of the pasty WOOOO!

    I promise the first thing I will do when I find out if I have a face-to-face is post here.

    I'm all excited again now ;D
  5. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Don't worry about it- I messed up that question in my face-to-face interview- I said scottish toffee (and I'm not even Scottish- I just totally blanked!) and then ended up saying something about chocolate! but it didn't matter for me- so hoping it all goes well for you! :D Cornish pasty sounds a great answer to me- something they probably don't have over there!!
    Good luck! ;D
    Charlotte x
  6. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Good luck Megara,

    BTW... What is a cornish pasty??? hehe...
  7. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Grr! It just deleted my post- so here goes again
    It's a kind of snack- semi circle in shape, it's pastry with a filling in. The cornish one is traditional- meat with potato and onion, but you can pretty much put anything in them nowadays!!
    Charlotte x

    Sorry- i couldn't paste the pic- but if you enter the site and scroll down a bit on the right there's a pic of a pasty! :D
  8. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Hehe hey I think a cornish pasty might just swing it for you! Imagine how many people come out with the same old same old?

    You'll be fine ;)
  9. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Thanks Tigger, yummy...

    We call them "empanadas". I'm hungry now.
  10. Celephaïs

    Celephaïs New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    mm mm, empanadas... mm mm... you said it Marco...
  11. disney_dreamer

    disney_dreamer New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    i think cornish pasty sounds like a great answer...and honestly dont read too much into it..

    i messed up on the question..'tell me about your culture?'..seriously i totally blanked and thought i had blown it..and im flying out to disney in 2 weeks!!!! so dont panic,im sure youll be fine..lets us know..

    love steph xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Thanks to this I had to go and buy some cornish pasties today for tea.
  13. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Well I promise, if I make it out there I will make you all cornish pasties..... the meat, potato, swede and onion version..... though if any one is brave enough to try the pilchard ones I will make them too.

    Sorry for making every one hungry ;D
  14. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    hehe what is it with food - I said fish and chips in my interview :)

    Was really embarassed at that, but hey it went well :)

  15. Amy_99

    Amy_99 New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Haha well when i was asked name one thing about what glasgow represents for you i sed.
    " well we probably hold the record for alcohol comsumtion...."
    Hehe anyway it made him laugh and i passed so i wouldn't worry about it at all

  16. Re: *Hits head on desk*

    that sounds like a great answer! I wouldn't worry to much about it :)
    Good luck and let us know the second you find out anything! :)
  17. emma

    emma New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    just make u all feel better lol i got asked...how has englnd joining the EU affected tax rates over there??

    helllooooooooo ppl?? who even knows that? needless to say i wanted to cry !!!! and sed "urgh dunno"

    5 days and im off to the sunshine st8!
  18. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    omg emma that was a bit hursh for them to ask you, but at least u were honest instead of just making up an answer,

    still its all in the past with you as u say 5 day to go
  19. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    Sounds like I should have stayed awake in my GCSE ecconomics lessons if they ask you that kind of thing :eek:

    I just wish my letter would hurry up so I know if I have a face to face....
  20. emma

    emma New Member

    Re: *Hits head on desk*

    i just said i was only 18 last week i dont pay tax...lol she could see the fear in my eyes i guess x

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