Firstly.. Hi, this is my first post and I hope it goes down ok. I really want to apply for a place on the international programme but I have a few questions that I need awnsering before I send off my Resume tommorow. 1)What kind of jobs do you do in Disney? will it be in one set area (example: Epcot world showcase) or in several different areas of attractions in different parks. ??? 2)What should I send to be put through to the application process? I have done a detailed resume and cover letter to send off but I have just discovered this site and there is an online application form! which should I send off? both or just what I've got already ??? 3)How many posistions do disney open for british workers in this programme? and what are the chances of a 19 year old with over a year in customer experiance behind him getting an interview. 4)Is it as fun as people say it is ;D? I hope that you can understand all the questions I am posing and I hope for a speedy awnser. Whats more I am very impressed with this site and all the threads I have read have indicated to me this is something I really want to do. Thanks again for any response, Todd
Hi Todd, Before anyone can really answer your questions we need to know one thing... Are you applying for the one year Cultural Representative Program or The 3 month International College Program (You must be enrolled at a university and between years to be elligible for this one!(Ie. not final year)) We'll be able to answer you beter once you let us know the above Colin
hi my msn add is, im goin this summer for 3 months so if u wanna ask nethin i can c if i can answer
Welcome to the maddness. ;D Let me see how I can help. Applying for the year long international program from the UK: 1) For this program you will be working in the UK pavilion in Epcot. The only positions available are Food & Beverage or Merchandise. 2) Firing off your CV and cover letter to Yummy jobs ( is the way to go. 3) No. of positions varies. Generally speaking there are about 15 - 20 UK merchies and about 70 - 90 foodies at any given time (does that sound about right folks? :-\ ). But folks arrive and depart all the time so the no. of places being recruited for can change even during the course of the actual interview! Your chances? As good as anyone else's. 4) Even better! ;D Hope that helped a little. Any more questions, fire away. We're a friendly bunch really. Ona x
I'll be coming for the year, hopefully ;D Thank you for all for the quick replys, much appreicated and I will be posting my cv to yummy job tommorow. I can tell you guys are all really friendly. Its a bit lame to only be working in the uk pavillion but beggers cant be choosers I guess I would probably be well suited for the merchandise role as my current job at the moment is a sales associate at The GAP lol ;D. Two more questions 1)I love a good party and a few drinks of course, how easy is it to get caught by security? has it happened to anyone on hear before? 2)If I find that I really enjoyed my time at disney and I wanted to stay on as a full time cast member, is this possible and will there be someone to talk to about this possibility at the interview? or at disney if I make it Cheers again Stockers
Staying is hard. Very hard. As in close to impossible. Unfortunately . It's not really something Disney can fix - it's a visa (so US Department of State) thing. As I've said before, the best way to stay is to find somene to marry
Ana, 1) Folks can be, and have been, easily terminated. If you're 21+ you'll have less to worry about. If you are sensible about things, you'll have nothing to worry about (generally speaking... not looking to reopen the Pandora's box that is the subject of terminations : ). 2) Don't think we be sitting here in the glorious UK if it were even remotely possible. Ona x