Salut mes amis 8) Been in Paris 2 weeks now and loving it - back in my old residence, living just across from where I was all those yrs ago, and working on Rock n Roller Coaster in the Studios - 4 days of 10 hours, 3 days off.... Passed my exam to work on Rock yesterday - its unbelievably hard work - have to learn 8 completely different positions in a rotation, including one at a set of computers where you programme the whole attraction....if you press the wrong button or even the right button at the wrong time, you shut down the whole ride for at least an hour - wahoo!!! Otherwise, my roommates are cool and got really nice girls in the appartment nextdoor so always people around to do stuff with. Congrats to everyone who has got calls recently and good luck to everyone heading out soon A bientot, Andrew
Ahhhh DLRP.... I loved it also when I worked there. I worked with Guest Flow (the people in red). Its was so cool !! ;D Well gla dyou like it and hope it will be the case the whole time you are there...
Hey Andrew. I'm going to be working on Rockin Roller Coaster in MGM at WDW . I start my training on Wednesday. Is it really that hard? Now i'm nervous. LOL. Brynna
Salut Andrew. :-* Good to hear from you! It sounds like you're having a great time. Keep having fun! See ya soon xxx
Hey again, Rock's not so tough now I've been into it a's learning everything in a foreign language over here with a load of computers that makes everything that bit harder...10 hours on your feet in security boots having had to take a bus at 6:13 in the morning is a killer though Loads of people over here have been to Florida - quite a mix, some say it was the best time of their life, others are much happier here - guess its always gonna come down to individuals as to what they make of it.. And against my better judgement, I've now got a girl out here - one of the 'nice girls in the apartment nextdoor'! : And Mike, I'm off on the 26th Sept - assuming I manage to drag myself away from here 8)
Where does your 'girl next door' live when shes not in Disneyland then? You'll have to get her to visit you when you're in Florida Its good to hear that your working with some people who loved Florida- even though some didnt its obviously not going to be for everyone!! Have fun! Hugs Gem x0x
Oooh you have a girlfriend out there now! You gonna have to make a difficult decision in a couple of months? What nationality is she? Anyway, keep having fun! 8)
Hey, Only me again......time's going way too fast! My relationship's also going kinda fast - we're waiting for a 2 person studio apartment to become ready so we will move in together. It's pretty ridiculous moving in after 2 weeks, but when you've only got 3 months, it kinda has to! She's from Finland, but she's moving to England for her uni studies in September - 2 weeks before I go to America : We get on so well we're really hoping to keep it going after but time'll tell i guess. Hope y'all enjoy Alton Towers 8) Cya later, Andrew
Woah!!!! You sound so loved up!! :-* Really hope you still decide to come to Epcot in September, but when the time comes just do whatever you feel is right! (((((big enormous hug)))))
Andrew, you sound so happy! I hope you still come and join us in Florida, but if you don't *le sigh* as long as you are happy Just be careful ok [\Aunty Megsy hat on]
Hey guys, Just to kill off any lingering doubts that I won't be on the plane, my VISA thingy is booked for 1 there! Just over a month left here, as expected it's all gone too quickly. Thank God it's finally rained today - been 37C all week long I'm now finally really enjoying my work - know what I'm doing in all the rotation positions and pretty much everyone I work with is great. Worked 50 hours the last 5 days, but now got 6 days off of next 7, including my birthday on Sat Cya later, Andrew
Yay!! andrews coming!!! Glad ur still loving it dude!!! am so jealous!! woulda came over to say hi but we're all skint!! Glad your coming dude.. we're gonna have the gretest time! Hope u have a nice birthday if i dont speak to you before then!!
Yeah, Happy Birthday if I don't get chance to say it on the day. Good to hear you are still going to join us us as well
Damn...only 2 weeks till the end of the Summer :'( Just done 50 hours the last 5 days, and yet still I'm kinda sad I'm not at work feet do definitely need a rest though - really is a killer attraction to work on when it's running at full capacity! By the sounds of it, it's all good preparation for Florida though. Will obviously be gutted to leave here, but thank God there's something else coming up and I'm not gonna just go back home to some crappy 'normal' job 8) I'll be back home August 30 so speak to y'all soon