Hi guys! I'm new here...I just checked out the site today for the 1st time but I've been thinking about applying to work at Disney for a while now! just wondering is everyone doing the interviews for this coming march 2005? (i.e. that would leave September 05?) anyways, just wanted to say hi, y'all seem really nice, and talk to some of you soon hopefully... ~ash -anyone from canada here?
hey ash, from canada oveeeeeer here! hahah (bc actually) where you from? i had my interview on october 21st..and im scheduled to start working at disney september 5th....but i know some people have interviews sceduled for feb and march i think...so yah you should totally apply! -liz
hey liz, i live near toronto! wow you already had your interview? I guess I should submit my resume ASAP...
i think i requested going down later (september time) i cant really remember though..one o fmy friends who got the job is leaving june 21st..so it all depends..but id suggest sending in yoru resume soon... liz
Hey Ash, I'm from winnipeg. I agree with Liz, it can't hurt to apply early. I wanted to get in the Feb interviews in 2004 but since I sent my app too late, I had to wait until the Oct interviews....that makes a long wait when all you think about is living the dream. If you check out the cast-a-way web site, Eric has his direct fax number or email there. I'm happy you found this site, I found it extremly helpful for the entire process. Claude
hey claude, have u gotten a phone call yet, saying whether or not you got the job? and any specific area in winnipeg u from? portage? and so on -liz
Hey Liz, yup, I've gotten my call about 3 weeks ago. I've been trying to get the rest of my stuff in order since then; passport, criminal check, etc... I'm from the south of winnipeg Your start date is in June right? I'm going in March. C
hey C No, unfortunatly im not leaving till september...where south of winnipeg...i lived in selkirk winnipeg for like 3 months last april (dou know where that is? haha) -liz
Just out of interest where is bc? I've read it on here a few times and am not sure where people are talking about :-\
hahha BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN CANADA ON THE WEST (WET) COAST!!!!! hahaa HOPEFully that'll help ya out! -lizzie
Lizzie I,m in St-Norbert. Yup, I know where Selkirk is. I used to take flight lessons and pass right by there. Why were you here for only 3 months....I know the weather is bad.... C
OMG THE WHETHER WAS AWFUL..seroiusly..i left BEAUTIFUL SUNNY WARM VANCOUVER and freaking went to SNOWING winnipeg..i think the WORST was when i woke up in the middle of may to see SNOW...tons and tons of WHITE snow..i knew then that winnipeg was bad umm my grandma lives there and owns her own business.i went to help her out for a bit and lived with her..u know a change....make me able ot live on my own in florida a little easier -liz
Hey Liz, what kind of business does your grandma own? As for the weather, you're right, it's tough. Last year it was -52C in Jan and in summer, it hit over 30C (-60F to 100F for the US people). So needless to say, we see everything here. But soon enough, no more snow shovelling for me Claude
just a bowling alley with a lounge/sports bar in the back.... hahaha...bu tu know in selkirk it's the talk of the town that place..and "everybody knows your name" at it...it's pretty good i liked it