When we have been to the interview do we get the answer by phone or mail if we got the job? I cant wait to hear if I got in and when
From what I've heard in the UK its Phone if you have been accepted, or Email if not - I got an email and was put on the waiting list. Good luck though - let us know how it goes! Steve London
its a bit random really, some people heard by email and some by phone. i got my rejection letter by email :'(
It does seem quite random - I got what appeared to be a generic "the standard was high....we have placed you on file..." rejection letter, but when I queried it (after hearing about the 'waitlists') I have now been told I may still get a place - would have preferred that they phoned me after making me wait two weeks but hey - we'll see! Steve London
Thank you for all the help! I will tell you how it goes! We get our answer next week I think.. I can't wait! Hope its good news! I wanna go NOW!
Gah!! I also want to know this now!! ;D Hope they'll let us know soon. Though obviously YOU already know that you have the job.. as that odd guy DID tell us everyone who was there on Saturday got a job But then of course we all wanna know when.. But I'm really pretty sure that guy said we'd get an email... though of course we may still get a phone call as well, like we did before the interviews. But don't worry, they will call you back if you fail to answer them the fist time they call
Thats the nice thing about being Norwegian in this program, almost every Norwegian get the job! And I was at the interview on saturday, so now Im only waiting for the mail about when I can leave! Im hoping to be one of the few who can leave already in December : I wish!
I've got three more weeks*ish to go, too. It's so bad - whenever I'm online, I check my email every ten minutes and I always check before and after work. Talk about obsessive! So I'm hoping that they'll get back to us in the second week of deliberation, -sometime soon! - because all this constant build-up *can't* be good for me
I know, I'm constantly checking my phone and e-mail, it's actually ridiculous, especially when it'll probably be another week yet at least! This process is worse/ more nervewracking than even waiting for university offers last year, and I thought THAT was bad!
I got the job!! I got the answer by phone because its so little time between when I got the answer and when Im leaving. I got the answer november 3rd and leaving already december 5th! Whey!
AWWWWW!!!!! yay!!!!! well done you,thats great news!!!! you must be SO exited!!!!! awwww......i want to go SO badly!!!!!!!!!!! i wish they would just put us out of our misery and tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X
its a week tomorrow so thats 2 weeks left to wait but maybe they will contact us earlier!!!! im also obsessively checking my email and keep my mobile on me at al times even at work lol they all know i applied so they are letting me elave it on and stuff hehe waiting is worse - i thought the wait for the interview was bad!!!! this is so many times worse i wanted to ask n the interview how many places tey had but i didnt get round to it i felt i had asked her enough questions and heard form some others that they didnt really tell you how many places they had. im guessing there must have been over 100 from uk who were interviewed over the different sites for the year long programme i really hope the odds are more than 1 in 10!!!!
I asked Jason from Yummy about this - he was at our interviews! He told me that there is no hard and fast rule as to how many of us they will say yes to - he said they take everyone who they think is "the best of the best" so in other words they take everyone they liked i - think!!!! he said they could take all of us or none at all (i think he meant from each interview group!) so really we all have a good a chance as each other!!!!!!! the waiting is horrible......im trying not to think about it to much! i dont want to think that ive got in,because il be so dissapointed if i get the rejection email!! but i dont want to think ive not got in and put myself on a total downer for the next 3 weeks..... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! at least we'r all in it together!!! Kerry xx
I've decide to put myself on a downer for two more weeks... the more I think about it, the more I realise how much I want to go... so it's unlikely that I'll get to go. Lol.
Haha, know the way of thinking. I really need to stop reading Disney Diaries, because I'm just going to get even more peeved if I don't get accepted! KerryJ- do you know if that reasoning stands for the summer programme applicants as well by any chance?
I've put myself on a ban from blogs. Just a flat ban, lol. As if checking my email nonstop and these boards to see if anyone has gotten in yet is bad enough!