HELP! Phone interviews...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by PrincessTink, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Ok...I have my phone interview on Monday. What should I be expecting and what makes a good impression? Also, i shouldn't have heard from them till September so is this a good sign? Any advice would be so greatly appreciated.
    Thanks :) Rach x
  2. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Hey Rach!

    They can seriously hear a smile over the phone so smile A LOT! They are looking more for the Disney attitude, so be cheerful, enthusiastic, and magical!! They ask you questions about your country, so brush up on a little info (like I am from Canada and they asked me to say a few things about each province). But if you are friendly and outgoing you will get it for sure.

    They also ask you what you would do in certain situations, like if a guest comes to you and is not having a good time, what would you do? Of COURSE you would try to turn their frown upside down!! Just questions like that, it is quite short and relaxed, like having a conversation with an old friend.

    When I had my phone interview with Nicola, at the end she said she had already booked me for a face to face within the first 2 minutes of speaking to me, just because I was so upbeat and cheerful. These are the things Disney wants in their employees, just remember it is to make magic for the guests, so be yourself!

    Good luck on the phone interview, I hope some of what I said helps!! ;D

  3. Tan

    Tan New Member

    I pretty much echo what emily said. Just brush up on some facts of where your from. Funny or interesting facts go down just as well as serious ones!! They ask questions about customer service skills and give you a little senario. It is slightly nail biting but you relax as soon as you start chatting!! Good Luck!
    Tan x x
  4. acp

    acp New Member

    I'd agree with this. I felt kind of nervous whilst waiting for them to ring, but once you've started talking to them, it seems more like a chat than an interview :)

  5. michelle81

    michelle81 New Member

    mine was nice and don't worry, the interviewers are nice and friendly... ;D hope to see you there
  6. mickeymarc

    mickeymarc Member

    Its very easy going, there isn't any need to be worried. just be yourself SMILE ( i found writing smile on a piece of paper by the phone in big letters helped me remember to keep smiling) and they ask you what you would say to people that ask you about your country. they ask your opinion on how you would react on situations so it is only something you can do. They are so nice so just enjoy it :D
  7. the important thing is to not over think the questions, just go with the flow and say what comes naturally to you, if you can, have a photo of your favourite attraction / shop / whatever at wdw by the phone to keep you motivated!

    im sure you'll do fine, if you want it bad enough, you'll get it ;)
  8. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Thank u all sooooo much. That's really helped. Not feeling quite so scared now. :D

    Rach x
  9. michelle81

    michelle81 New Member

    hehe fingers crossed for you guys...
  10. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Hope it all goes/went OK. The not hearing until September thing I assume is because the interviews aren't until around then (they only have 2 lots of face to faces a year so that could explain it).
  11. PrincessTink

    PrincessTink New Member

    Well i think it went ok. Really hard to tell tho. Think i messed up a bit on the questions about our cultures n traditions that we would tell Americans about. Just a matter of waiting now. And if i didn't get in...i'll just keep reaplying until they get so sick of seeing my name that they let me in.
    Rach x
  12. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    lol. I know when I had mine I was adiment that I'd messed it up and I hadn't so just stay positive, and as you said if not apply again and again and again until they have to take you
  13. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Yep keep applying they didnt want me a year ago now i leave in 4 weeks for two months!!!! Its worth it!!
    Tan x x x
  14. bethie

    bethie New Member

    Hey Tan,
    Same thing happened to me, I applied last year and got knocked back straight away, reapplied this year, have my face to face in London at the end of November for the Cultural Representation Program and now ill also be going going out to work in the two month seasonal program in September. I cant wait :)
  15. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Yeah someone else to add to the group!! Ill add you to my MSN...
    Tan x x x
  16. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Hey! I'm leaving to work at the Canada pavilion in december, is there anyway I can do the seasonal program in September? Where and how do I apply?

    Thanks for any information!

  17. bethie

    bethie New Member

    Hey Emily, for the seasonal work program that im starting in September I had to register my interest in it by the end of July through Yummy Jobs so it might be too late :( sorry hun. Hopefully someone else might know another way of getting in *fingers crossed*
  18. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Its so easy just smile coz u can hear a smile!! just be polite and learn a bit about ur home town! they asked me about famous buildings but i was cool coz i did a bit of research!
  19. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Hey Emily, Think it might be to late now, and as your already going to Disney in December, that may be an issue?? Not sure. I know yummy jobs are still advertising for positions on their website, but i doubt they will take more because of all the time it takes to get everything organised! Have a fantastic time in December!
    Might see you next year!
    Tan x x x
  20. Emily

    Emily New Member

    Hey Guys!

    Thanks for the responses. I e-mailed Eric from Cast-a-way (the Canadian yummy) and he said they just have the april program so far. So I guess next april they will try the seasonal program again and sees how that goes.

    I hope to see some of your guys next year! Good luck on the face-to-face!


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