Help? Newbie from Australia

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Pommyy, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    Hey everyone.

    Im 17 years old and currentlly still in highschool, but I am very interested to get some work experience with disney once I turn 18. I've done some research but I'm still not exactly sure what its all about.

    Im actually from england but I live in australia and by the time I turn 18 I will have a dual citizenship. Does that mean I can apply from either england or australia?

    I was just wondering what jobs you can do and where abouts you actually work, etc theme parks, hotels....

    Are interviews regulary held in australia? and how many times a year are people hired?

    Sorry if I have asked questions that loads of people have asked before.


  2. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Hey and welcome!

    I live in NZ, but like you am English. I'm applying for dual atm - exciting stuff!

    I advise you to email our contact for Aussie/NZ, they are really nice and answer all your questions. Kelly, who advised me through that email address, actually went on the program herself and stayed for a whole year, so she's very knowledgeable if you need to ask her anything.

    While the minimum age is 18, you actually have to be in University, but you can go after your first year if you like, and continue your studies when you come back. I'm waiting until I finish my degree and going the year after (2011!), you have to leave within 12 months of you finishing though. We're really lucky, atm we're the only countries that allow students up to a year in the USA working in any field! So while everyone else on the forums has to go on a CRP and work in their pavillion if they want to stay a year, we can work anywhere in the parks for a year. The only downside is currently they're not offering summer programs for us, just 6 or 12 months, but they may do in the future.

    Because the visa we travel on and our whole program is totally different to everyone else on the forums, we are subject to different rules and regulations. Keep this in mind when you surf the forums, most of the information available about the programs doesn't apply to us, or has to be modified to apply.

    If you're interesting in applying through England, I urge you to wait until maybe you've already been with your Australian citizenship. For England, you can apply for a CRP, which doesn't have as many strict regulations as the Australia/NZ work experience program. You can go at any age to represent your country on a CRP, so I'm interested in doing that in a few years once I'm back in the UK. With the Australian, you have to be in University or just finished studying, so it's not as open ended.

    I don't have any information about Aussie interviews, you could ask Kelly though. In NZ, which I assume is the same for Aus, we have two start dates, one in January and one in July. I was advised to email my CV and application one year before I would like to go, so I'm emailing it through January 2010!

    Good luck, any other questions just ask, I've done a lot of research haha =]
  3. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    Hey, thanks so much for your reply. It was really helpful!

    Yeah I've actually just recieved an email from Kelly, and she explained the rules, and what I'd have to do and such. Although she said you can do a year at tafe(college) or uni in order to be able to be accepted on the program.

    So I will most likely apply to be on the program for maybe 2010 or if not, 2011.

    I will most likely apply through australia, as when the time comes I will be an australian citizen and I am interested in staying for a year, or at least 6 months.
    And I am also glad that we can work anywhere!!! ;D

    Thanks again for your help!

    Its so exciting just thinking about it, even tho it seems like such a long wait!
  4. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    You should totally apply for 2011, that's the year I'm going =]
    It's definately worth it, I think, because then you get to stay for a year and apply for any job, not just the pavillion. I'm already so excited!!! =DD

    Seems like a long wait, yeah, but I'm sure it will go fast! Well... Not too fast I hope, I need to save money =P
  5. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    haha yeah it seems like ages away, but no doubt it will go quickly!

    Just think, it's less then a year until we can apply! ;D
  6. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Haha I know! I'm so excited to start applying, let alone going! If it goes as fast as the past year has for me, it will be time before I know it.
    Would you be applying for a January or June start? I'm going for January I think!
  7. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    January most likely. I will have finished my first year of college (tafe) in November 2010. So yeah hopefully January 2011! ;D

    Are you from australia too?
  8. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    Yay! I'm so happy we might be going together, this website is great! I didn't think I'd end up knowing anyone =/
    Haha my family are already planning their visit, and our friends we went to Disneyland with want to come down from Cali too! Haha everyone is excited, and I still have so long to go! *points to sig* haha approximately ^^;

    Na, I live in NZ, been here 8 years. They treat us the same for the programs though haha... =P
  9. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    302 days ;D
    Yewww! ahaha

    Yeah i didnt think I'd end up knowing anyone either, as most people are from england are are going in this year or next year!

    Ahhh thats soo good!
    Can't wait :D
  10. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    hello fellow aussies and new zealander! im from perth australia and i too am going to apply for the year program at walt disney world:)

    im currently in my first year at uni and want to apply after graduation. it will be better for me because i think i will grow lazy to finish my degree after a year off at the mouse house haha!
    i will probably be applying in 2011/2012, depending on when i finsih my 3 yr degree:)

    does anyone know if interviews are held in australia? im afraid ill have to fly to sydney for a f2f interview. i better start saving moe money :/
  11. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    Hey, I'm from Adelaide, Australia. ;D

    I'm not definitely sure, but I think i read somewhere that the interviews for australia are in Adelaide and Sydney. (Finally theres a plus side for living in adelaide!)

    But to find out for definite you should email the australian representatives just in case!

    And hey, if you go in 2011 we might be going together!
  12. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    hey thanks for replying:) well if the interviews are in adeliade, that will be ok. cheaper and closer flight from peth yaya! haha.

    hopefully, if all goes wellthat ill be going in 2011. i would have gotten my degree already. will you be doing 6 months or a year? i was thinking of doing a year, which will go by quite quickly, and hopefully work as a character attendant or in merchandise:)

    have you been t any of the disney parks before? i visited california last year and was blown away by disneyland:)
  13. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    I'm not really sure whether to do six months or a year. A year seems really long right now but I guess I'll decide about that one closer to the date. Which one do you wanna do?

    I think I want to do attractions. It looks like it would be a lot of fun! Or maybe merchendise. I was thinking of maybe a lifeguard, as I love to surf and be in the sea, but I'm not sure if I could handle it if someone drowned or something :-\

    I've been to all the disney parks before. I use to live in england and we use to go to florida quite a lot. I went 7 times :D haha

    and it gets better each time! ;D

    So never been to the orlando one?
  14. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    yea. i also had truble deciding whther to do 6months or a year, but i think im gonna do a year. once in a lifetime opp! haha its the only time we get to 'live' at orlando. other times we are considered guests haha. but i dunno. maybe by 2011 my plans will have changed haha!

    well ive only been to disney california, but i loved it a lot. i just cant imangine what WDW would be like. 5 parks will be heaven, plus the millions of other things we can do:) wow! you've been 7 times! very lucky. you must know the parks back to front haha. i think the ICP program will be great. hope that when 2011 comes, we will be working together. hopefully!
    what is your fave park?
  15. Pommyy

    Pommyy New Member

    Ahhh my favourite park has to be MGM (hollywood studios)
    I love Rock n Rollercoaster and tower of terror so much!

    I also really like typhoon lagoon. Although the parks are amazing!

    Which one is your favourite park?
  16. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    haha ive only been to the parks in anahiem, so ill have to say disneyland is by far my fave:) i just love the atmosphere it creates there, amazing! all the rides are so cleverly designed to fit in with classic disney movies, especially roller coasters that have special elements added to them.
    i love the tower of terror! its a brilliant ride, although i screamed like a wuss they first time i went onto it. thats a great ride. i also loved pirates of the caribbean, mainly because it had that awesome jack sparrow which looked so realistic. i also think space mountain, haunted mansion and splash mountain are classics:)
    hey do you have a facebook/myspace etcc...? we can communicate and keep in touch by there if you want:) you never know, we could be working at wdw at around the same time!
    i am itching to visit wdw, by all the comments and boards people have posted, it sounds like a great place even to work:)
  17. suixelo

    suixelo Member

    My internet's been acting up =/
    But yay, an addition to our awesome down under 2011 group! XD

    Umm I've only been to the California park, in Jan 2008!! It's what really started my looking into the programs and all. When I go on the program it will be my first visit to WDW too, so you'll have to show us two around, Pommyy haha! I think I'll stay for a year too, to get the most out of the experience.
    I think the Magic Kingdom will be my fav, but you never know! I loveeed Space Mountain, Pirates and Tower of Terror! We have an amazing photo of us on Tower, but I'll leave that story for another time =P

    I have a Facebook, add me if you want ^^
  18. aussie_gal

    aussie_gal New Member

    Hey guys, i thought the program for Aussies and NZs who have just graduated was only for a year? Is 6 months also an option?

    I thought the 6 months option was for the college program, while you're still completing your degree..

    If someone could clarify this that would be great!

    I really want to go but leaving my boyfriend for a whole year is too long :(
  19. charkfin

    charkfin New Member

    heya! yay! another fellow aussie to join our post haha
    well im not too sure about the programs running date.

    i think if you go on the college program you can only do 3 months (i heard it from another poster) and if you graduate from uni and want to do the program, you have to do a year. this info was given to me about a year ago, so im not sure if it is still the case. it'll be best to email the aus representatives and ask them about the current acceptance dates. sorry i couldnt be much of a help
  20. Becky D

    Becky D New Member

    Hey Everyone!

    Im from New Zealand and only just discovered this amazing program, i wanna go sooooo bad!

    Does anyone know if i have done correspondence/distance learning for a year, if it counts as a year of uni/tafe?

    I really want to go next year but i don't know if it's going to be possible!



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