Help! Criminal Background check question!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by mouseears1414, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. mouseears1414

    mouseears1414 New Member

    Hello ICP-ers!


    Well I've been accepted for next summer and its an abosolute dream come true but I need some help/advice/reassurance!!

    6months ago I recieved a "simple caution" for "entering onto the underground while in a state of intoxication"...basically going home on the tube after a party, a transport officer got me for being drunk...I thus have a horrible piece of paper that COULD get me in trouble with VISAs and background checks horrible if my whole future has to be changed because of one stupid night (I'm sure we've all had them!)

    Does anyone know whether this will stop me from actually MAKING it to I've made it on the programme - I just need to know!

    Argh! Please helP!
    and well done everyone!

  2. Nate_Himself

    Nate_Himself New Member

    hey im guessing ur from the UK? just speak to yummy jobs about it, u should be fine. your criminal background check will come back with what you've described on it and u may have to do an extra criminal check called an ACRO or ACPO i think its called. that one is to take with u to your visa interview.

    im doing the CRP, i start on the 7th december (so excited! haha) i have a criminal record (with a few things abit more serious than a simple caution) and my visa was approved, so i doubt u have anything to worry about. hope this helps a little
  3. Aisling

    Aisling New Member

    At the presentations for Universal Studios, they told us stuff like this doesn't matter.

    The criminal record check is really just for stuff like murders and other serious crimes. They don't care about minor offences like this, unless you are regularly getting in trouble with the police.

    When they ask you about it, tell them the truth. They won't care as long as you're honest. If you lie you could get in a lot of trouble though
  4. mouseears1414

    mouseears1414 New Member

    Thank you so much - I'm feeling slightly reassured!!
    So should I email/phone Yummy BEFORE the CRB check - or explain once it comes up. I'll definately tell the truth but should I warn them in advance?
    Really hope it works out!
    Good luck for starting CP Nate_himself!!
  5. Aisling

    Aisling New Member

    No harm in emailing. Better you do so and it turns out you didn't need to then not doing it then finding out you should have
  6. Nate_Himself

    Nate_Himself New Member

    thanks :)

    i'd phone/email them beforehand, just have a chat with them about it and they'll probs make u feel better about the situation anyway. i was really worried about mine and they made me feel better about it. good luck with it all! sure you'll be fine, i mean if they gave me a visa then anyones got a chance haha
  7. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    The check is mostly actually to look for like child molestation offences and such, since it's such a huge problem because you're in such close proximity with kids.
  8. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    The only things that would certainly prevent you from going (other than those mentioned earlier) are Drug-related offences and things that are mentioned on the visa/visa waiver form. i.e. things like have you ever been a member of the Nazi Party -type questions.

    Lying will prevent you from entering the US though and could prevent you from entering the country later in life. If there's even a chance that there's a record of something then you should tell the truth. I've heard of people being denied entry when the conviction has been wiped from their record.
  9. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    look dont worry i went through i similar thing when i went on the programme... believe me all that happens is you need to wait for your visa a while elonger... you need to do some extra paperwork and et yourself an ACRO certificate...

    dont worry and be honest!!!

    good luck!!

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