Healthy Food in US ?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Paco Aleman, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    I know we can buy our own food... bout really do we have time to cook? or we are just soo tired that we are gonna eat Cheeseburgers all the time!! LOl:) , launch time?

    Pd: PPl return to home fatter? lol!
  2. Soda106

    Soda106 New Member

    im a bit of a health nut! Down there I would pack pre-made salads from Publix to work and keep em in the fridge in the break trailer..kept my fridge at home stocked with fruit and veggies! Theres also alotta healthy choices in the parks ;D
  3. Mrkuri

    Mrkuri New Member

    you dont have to eat junk food, theres a lot of options in the supermarket that you can eat without having to spend hours cooking so you will have time to spend it in other things than cooking and thinking about what will you eat the next day
  4. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    There's plenty of cheap, healthy meals you can make- salads, pasta, curries, stir-fries, sandwiches, etc... Much cheaper too! That said, while I'd love to say I'll make most of my meals, we all know that's never going to happen :p
  5. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    when i was there there were always plenty of salad to put on your burger! ;D
  6. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    I'm a bit of a gym bunny and after spending 8 months in France I actually learnt to cook for myself so when I went out to Orlando I had all these great intentions of always cooking my own meals, packed lunches, etc.

    There were 2 problems with this! 1. The expense. Produce in the States is pretty bloody expensive - I did a full shop at Wal-Mart one week and bought fruit, veg, fish, meat, pasta, cereal, etc (and a couple of beauty things) and it came to $120!!! 2. Time. I was KNACKERED all the time and when it came down to it I actually couldn't be bothered to cook very often.

    I gave up after realising both these things :p and essentially lived off a diet of bagels, Starbucks pre-mixed coffee Frappacinos from Walgreens, and fast food. That said I did actually LOSE weight because the quality of the food was so poor that I ate less than I do at home. Plus the gym at Vista wasn't air-conditioned so any weight training went out the window ;)
  7. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    The few people i know out there seem to have varying stories really, ones put on about a stone and the others lost about half a stone, so i guess its all down to your personal choice.

    I plan to cook a weeks meals then freeze them, then i can just reheat them when i want them, no excuse for not having the time then! I've become something of a gym bunny now, so i can relate to you tiny, the pics i've seen of the vista gym look pretty small!
  8. Ashley

    Ashley New Member

    I am actually a bit worried about cooking as I cant cook anything. I think I may have to learn before I go or I will end up eating loads of fast food and coming back home a few stones heavier.
  9. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah get a student cookbook or something, they taught me to cook, and you can always change the things up and design your own as it were!
  10. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Student cookbooks are amazing- some really simple stuff, and more interesting things too, and the recipes are always really easy to follow :) Plus most of them have some cocktail recipes in them too, always a bonus :D
  11. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Exactly, you can cook with a minimum amount of ingredients, and it gives you confidence to cook other things as well :)
  12. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    I've been looking forward to the food in the States! Haha, I just got back from living with three vegans (one of which was allergic to gluten), five vegetarians, and two very picky meat eaters, so I because a VERY creative cook very quickly. Plus the fact our meal budget was down to $5.25 a person a day for nine months. I think I'll do well enough :D

    Plus the fact being a vegetarian cuts down on expensive meat costs ;)
  13. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    yeah its always a bonus if you can cook over there, can't emphasis how crucial a skill it is when you need to be able to knock something up quick to feed everyone!
  14. rachet

    rachet New Member

    i love to cook :) and everything i cook is healthy, and i dont cook meat. so if i manage to stay like that over in america i reckon il be fine. i wouldnt imagine theres really much time to eat over there though?!
  15. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Depends, time management is an art in itself! Get some meals cooked and freeze em on your days off, then you'll be fine :)
  16. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    For those of you planning to freeze food you may be in for a bit of trouble there. Remember you'll have anywhere from 1-7 roomates. I had trouble fitting ANYTHING in my fridge/freezer with 5 roomates.
  17. Soda106

    Soda106 New Member

    haha true that!

    With four of us our freezer was PACKED.

    But there are healthy options at the Caf at Epcot (salad bar.. Subway!) if you dont have time to prepare something to bring. ;D
  18. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah i forgot about the other roommates,lol, might have to buy a mini freezer,lol, i guess its just about doing the best you can and not snacking on candy all day long, i'm determined to lose weight when i'm over there, and i know ppl who have because they've just been rushed off their feet and not had time to eat, not the best way to do it thou!
  19. toddlystockley

    toddlystockley New Member

    To be honest I'm not much of a cook. I can cope with microwable meals, Steak, frying chips, and boiling peas and beans but thats about it lol I also like to keep a trim looking figure but thats quite difficult as my family are naturally quite large! I can imagine I will eat my fair share of crap over there but I want to make sure that I get to gym on regular occasions - before work or sumthin, might help me wake up abit before work
  20. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    I can pay to someone cook my weekly meals! healthy way! LOL anyone?

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