Health Food Stores!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by VeganPup, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    Hey guy do any of you know how many good health food stores there are in Florida because i will need one to buy multivitamins and such ... so if any one coulod tell me of a few so i do not have to go into crazy person research mode... thanks in advance! ;D
  2. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    You wouldn't need 'em if you ate some meat. ;D

  3. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    why would you even joke like that ..... that so does not help me kk... you really di mean when you said j/k right????
  4. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    Sorry, I was just joking. :-[
  5. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    k then ;D
  6. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    I know some people who actually distribute the highest quality nutritional supplements and you receive them in the mail which you could do out there. And for the person kidding about eating meat, even if he was kidding, he should know that it's actually healthier if you don't eat meat, humans aren't made to eat meat. We're supposed to be i do like my meat but meat defenitely is not a good source of essential suppliment for any human :p
  7. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    now heres a smart person... :D
  8. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    that isnt true. humans are built to eat meat. very well in fact. all of our relatives do. and if u look at those thing in our mouths, teeth, they are designed specifically for meat eating. no non meat eating creature has canines.
  9. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    You tell 'em mate! Lol. :p

    Seriously though, nothing against vege lova's.
  10. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    okay here is a an article on why meat eating is not natural ... i dont want to fight but the truth must be told!

    http://According to biologists and anthropologists who study our anatomy and our evolutionary history, humans are herbivores who are not well suited to eating meat.

    Unlike natural carnivores, we are physically and psychologically unable to rip animals limb from limb and eat and digest their raw flesh. Even cooked meat is likely to cause human beings, but not natural carnivores, to suffer from food poisoning, heart disease, and other ailments.

    People who pride themselves on being part of the human hunter tradition should take a second look at the story of human evolution. Prehistoric evidence indicates that humans developed hunting skills relatively recently and that most of our short, meat-eating past was spent scavenging and eating almost anything in order to survive; even then, meat was a tiny part of our caloric intake.

    Humans lack both the physical characteristics of carnivores and the instinct that drives them to kill animals and devour their raw carcasses. Ask yourself: When you see dead animals on the side of the road, are you tempted to stop for a snack? Does the sight of a dead bird make you salivate? Do you daydream about killing cows with your bare hands and eating them raw? If you answered "no" to all of these questions, congratulations—you're a normal human herbivore—like it or not. Humans were simply not designed to eat meat.
  11. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Lol I can see the argument from both perspectives..I did my A level in psychology this year...we studied humans evolutionary diet and its relation to intelligence, apparantly we developed larger brains coz we were frugivores for thousands of years and had to have large memories to remember where to find fruit!! So go us veggies!
  12. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    i feel like i'm back doing my biology a-level lol. we're not adapted as much to eat meat now becuase we don't have to be to survive...we have supermarkets who pre-pack it for us, although theres plenty of people who still chose to hunt their own food and prepare it themselves. So i think we're both adapted and unadapted to being meat eaters. I'm not a veggie but I try to be really careful about knowing where meat has come from and buying free range eggs, using farm shops etc...
  13. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Yeah I think as long as people are aware of where their meat comes from and how the animals are farmed then there is nothing wrong with eating meat-I dont eat it myself...but my family buy organic and free range-much better to know your meat isn't pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics!!

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