hey, ive recently been accepted by the mouse, yay !! anyone else from the UK heading out in Feb '07 ? would love to hear if you are. soon to be living the dream rose
hey im gonna be food. checked out your website, i take it youve done this before!!! must be good if your returning. rose
hey jilly just had a wee look at your web site - its so good!!! sounds like your having such a great time - and its so cool that your going back for 2007!!!! hopefully il get to meet you (and everyone else!) there next year - i have my interview in glasgow on thursday ..... :-\ stress!!!!!!!! X
rose, it is seriously amazing out here, i come home in 11 days and il be sad to leave but at least i know im coming back! kerry i hope u do well on ur interview, im sure u will.. just keep smiling and be yourself. the interview really isnt that scary, its more scary waiting for it than actually doing it! xx
Hey im not from Uk, im from Mexico, and i arrive this december, but i wanted to say Welcome to the mouse team!
PrincssJilly; are you there now and come home in november and go out again in march, in five months? Sorry didn't quite understand...
Jilly is there at the moment on another program. It was an 8 weeks QSF&B program because they needed extra staff. So happy she got on that program because they offered her an interview for the year long program as well. She ahd her interview a couple of weeks back and has found out that she will be participating on the year long from March 07. It has been a long wait and a tough time for our Jillypoos but we love her and am SO glad she is coming back. So proud of you chick! Love xKx
Hey Rose congrats on getting through u must be so excited. My Name is Steph and I'm travelling with Kirsty on the 5th of dec and I'm going to be in F+B aswell so look forward to meeting u. my MSN is steph10132003@hotmail.co.uk if you want to chat and my website is http://www.stephsmagicaladventures.blogspot.com if you want to see what we have been up to before going to disney and once we arrive. Hopefully chat soon Luv Steph P.S Hey Kirsty, Chris, Beth, Holly and everyone else travelling on the 5th Dec 06 OMG less than a month.