Having a car

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by nstrats2212, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. nstrats2212

    nstrats2212 New Member

    hi, i was just wondering when you go out there is it possible to buy a cheap ish car so that you dont have to use the busses so much, even if i will only be 19? i know to rent a car the age has to be 21 but is it the same for buying a car? and how easy would it be to do?
  2. Aya

    Aya New Member

    mm good question i was thinking that too, sorry i can't help you out i'd just like to find out too :p which programme are you applying for nstrarts?
  3. thisisme46

    thisisme46 New Member

    in the disney pack it mentions bout cars the cost etc as i thought bout it but the bus service seems prety decent too they pretty much take u everywhere anyways even to local shops
  4. nammyIT

    nammyIT Member

    all of my friends that have been down there said that having a car makes your life sooo much easier.....but due to the high cost of keepin a car you will only be able to afford it if you work in a tipped position aka F&B...
    anyway just search the word "car" and you will find plenty of info on this site!
  5. nstrats2212

    nstrats2212 New Member

    thanks guys! im applying for Cultural Rep 'Aya' but only just applied last week and Michele said that apllications are closed now until January for the program starting in September 08. i hate waiting! lol but i hear you got your f2f congrats...and good luck!! x
  6. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I've been here a little over a month and am getting a car in the next few weeks. Having to use the buses is driving me crazy!!

    Buying a car won't be expensive because you're younger but insuring it will be outrageous I think... For me its going to cost around $1500 for the year and im 23 so yours will prob be more. :( Sorry hon!!

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