Has anyone been to the F2F interwiev??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by teresemor, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. teresemor

    teresemor New Member

    Has anyone been to the F2F interwiev?

    And can you please tell me about the questions and what you answeared??
  2. Ogel

    Ogel New Member

    For which country do you applied? And where do you have your Interview.
    I think the questions are different about the countries, or dosen´t???

    ok, in the other thread I found something about the questions in my country, I can post here:

    - Begrüßung durch ne sehr hypermotivierte recruiterin von disney
    - einstiegsspiel zur lockerung der leute: fragen zu den parks, oder zu disney (KEIN MUSS DA MIT ZU MACHEN)
    - dann Präsentation über das programm, wohnen, arbeit, etc. (teils video präsentation, teils infos von der recruiterin)
    - pause in dem du ein rating machst (welche position du am liebsten und welche du garnicht machen willst), Fragebogen zur person
    - vor der pause bekommt man noch mitgeteilt wann das f2f (face to face) interview stattfindet.
    - f2f Interview: warum willst du für dinsey machen, stärken, schwächen, ziele für die zukunft,
    (gespräch läuft ziemlich gediegen ab, die recruiterin ist übertrieben freundlich..;-))

    ok, I must translate, one moment. Its the course of the Interview:
    - first a little welcome from a hypermotivatet recruiterin of Disney
    - a little Play for the beginning: questions about the park, or about Disney ( I haven´t to answer the questions)
    - A presentation about the programm, live, work, etc. ( halft video presentation, halft information from the recruiter)
    - a little break, where you make a rating ( which position do you prefer and which don´t you want to do), Questionpage about your person
    - before the break you get your time for the f2f interview
    - f2f Interview: Why do you want to work for disney, your strenghts and your weaknesses, your future goals, the interview is easy, the recruiter is very friendly)

    thats the course of our interview in Germany, I dont now where are you from and if the questions are the same

    I hope, I can helped you ;)

    good luck
  3. teresemor

    teresemor New Member

    Thank you so much for the answer i really appreciate it :)

    Im from Norway :)
  4. Ogel

    Ogel New Member

    Its no problem, I feel like you, I´m also very nervouse.
    But there are specially threads for people from norway, do you ask there?
    http://www.wdwip.com/smf/index.php?board=13.0 I dont unserstand the language :D
    But if you found something, you also can translate it ;)
  5. Ogel

    Ogel New Member

    ok, i found something more, about the qustions:

    - wieso disney,
    - probleme mit anderen ein zimmer zu teilen/ ein jahr von familie und freunden getrennt zu sein,
    - was man den gästen über deutschland erzählen würde,
    - ob man stolz ist aus deutschland zu kommen, ...

    - why do you want to work at DIsney?
    - Do you havea problem to share your room witch people, you don´t know?
    - be seperatet from your family and your friends, do you have a problem with that?
    - are proud of coming from (Germany) Norway/ or other country ( your homecountry)
  6. Ogel

    Ogel New Member

    and that i also found

    1)What is the one thing that attracts you most to this job?
    2)What would you want to tell guests about where you live?
    3)If you were to bring something from home to show people what would it be?
    4)Why did you choose what you are doing in University?
    5)What is it about your current job that you like the most?
    6)Have you ever been away from from for very long?
    7)How do you feel about that?
    - from TraceyBrown (Canada) - http://www.wdwip.com/smf/index.php?topic=5498.0

    here are some, i'll split them up into different topics!


    - have you ever lived away from home?
    - if not, how will you cope with living away from home with people you don't know?
    - if yes (and no), how will you cope with living with people from all over the world?
    - how will you cope living so far away from home with a room mate from a different country?
    - what would you do if there is an argument with some of your room mates?
    - what would ou do if you had a problem with your room mate?
    - how will you cope with the heat? (sounds silly, but i was asked this!!)


    - give me an example of what you think good guest service is.
    - give me an example of what you have done to provide good guest service.
    - think of a time where you have turned a negative experience into a positive one.
    - if there are 10 people waiting in line and a guest cuts to the front of the line, what would you do?
    - what would you do if a guest is not happy with the food they purchased?
    - how will you cope working long hours in the extreme heat?


    - what do you do in your spare time?
    - what are your interests?
    - how will working for Disney benefit your future career?
    - what could you bring to the Disney company?
    - what countries have you visited?
    - have you ever been to walt disney world before?
    - what is your favorite park and ride?
    - How will you cope being away from your family/friends for 3/6/12 months?

    If applying for the CRP

    - tell me a bit about where you live?
    - give me three interesting facts about your home town.
    - if a guest were to ask about your home town what would you say?
    - how would you describe what its like to live in your country/town?
    - what differentiates your area from another area of your country?
    - do you have any traditions relating to your town/country?
    - from hsm - http://www.wdwip.com/smf/index.php?topic=5382.0

    Just be yourself, and be positive!
    Best of luck!

    I hope that are enough information

    ( please don´t see my mistakes in writing, I only slept 2 and a halft hours that night, if you cant read something, write me a pm ;))
  7. teresemor

    teresemor New Member

    Thanks :)

    This is very helpful :D

    I'll see what i can find
  8. Ogel

    Ogel New Member

    ok no problem, I also want to get help, so I help other people, if you have any other questions, just ask ;)
  9. Laura aka Cinders

    Laura aka Cinders New Member

    Thank you Thank you - this is very helpful.

    Good luck in your interviews.


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