
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stitch, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. stitch

    stitch New Member

    Just another random topic!!

    Im sure you can all relate!!!

    But i think i can lay claims to the biggest hangover. I was sick at work yesterday and i am a gym instructor and it didnt go down too well with the manager!!! eeeek.

    I went to IKON in Maidstone for the FHM high street honey night and drank myself stupid, you name it i probably had it, lol. :p

    Anyone else wanna share a story!!??!?

  2. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    lol all my mates call me hangover queen as my hangovers usually last for days and throwing up is something i regularly do the day after!!!!
  3. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    for some reason im usually ok when i drink i usually end up looking after someone so i cant really relate to a bad hangover - my best mate on the other hand lol now thats another story!

    Her name is sue (shes the blonde in 1 of my pics) and it only ever happens when she has wine, she has a bottle before we go out and then when were out she has everything but wine so she mixes everything - anyway it usually gets to the end of the night and she gets home (i quite often stay at hers) and one night (last week infact lol) she was so drunk she ran into her house straight into the garden (she doent no why) and she was sick all in her poor rabbits run, anyway helped her up to bed etc whilst i couldnt stop laughing at her cos shes so funny when shes drunk anyway about six in the morn i turned over and she wasnt in her bed, i thought hmmm strange so i went to find her - she had woken up in the night and gone to sleep in her garden next to the rabbit hutch - the funniest bit was when i knelt down to her she had a pen and paper by her head that said "im so sorry sparky do u forgive me" (sparky is the rabbits name) i laughed so loud i woke her up - she didnt remeber any of it and she had to stay in bed ALL day cos she was so ill, i have some pics of it on my camera so ill post them one day - give everyone the same laugh i had lol ;D
  4. stitch

    stitch New Member

    yea ill post sum pics of me on the stage so funny lol!!!

    my cousin that night, hes applied for WDW but hes not a member of the site, was so drunk he passed out in the car home and me and my mate had to carry him up the drvive open his house for him chuck him in and then put the key in the door on his side and made sure he locked it! lol was soooo funny. and then we saw him in his room and he just started taking his clothes and then passed out again!!!

    Oh P!
  5. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    brilliant storys peeps keep em coming!!!

    i'm one on the lucky one thats doesn't suffer form hangover's ;D ;D and manage's to remeber most of what i get up to when drunk!!!!

    on my 18th birthday, me and a few mate were stagering home from a local club and we had to walk along new road (now for anyone that doesn't no rochester its a street famed for its hookers), well one of my mates friends ran across the road to get sum1 to stop by flashing her tits!!! only the people that stopped weren't best pleased to see us (as it was the cops lol) well they found one of us flashing, 1 of us just jlaying on the floor, 1 running and dancing up the street laughing and me trying to pee of a hooker (by keep following her around lol to stop her trade) everytime she moved i moved and well she was screaming and shouting at me to pee of but the more she scream the more i peed her off lol.

    needless to say we went abit red when the cops stopped and where told to get a move on off the street!!

    well all i can say about that is at least we brought a bit of light to there night lol
  6. shellie_x

    shellie_x New Member

    ma worst hangova has got 2 b the 19th june this year wen me n me mates went 2 watch greenday at milton keynes. i dont usually suffer from hangovas mainly due 2 the fact tht i dont drink tht much coz i dnt really like being drunk but the nite b4 the greenday concert was a local village fair which we decided 2 use as an excuse 2 get rather drunk hehe we had 2 be up at half five the following mornin 2 set off for the concert so the plan was 2 get 2 bed bout 12! 2 cut a long story short we finally arrived home at 20 to 4! :eek: 2 hours later we were awake n gettin dressed for greenday! we all piled in chris's car at bout 6 in the mornin to head for milton keynes!
    it shud usually take about 20 mins to get onto the motorway from where my friend lives but an hour and a half later we finally got there due 2 the fact we had 2 keep stoppin every 5mins for sum1 2 b sick lol the funniest part was wen we stopped for ma friend sam she got out n was sick n this guy went past on a bike then we set off agen n passed him then sam had 2 get out agen n the guy on the bike rode past her agen hehe
    by the time we got 2 milton keynes we had all stopped bein sick but we had the worst headaches eva! so its not a gud idea 2 drink yaself stupid the nite b4 a great concert lol especially wen ya get so drunk ya dont remember the nite b4 so u cud of missed it neways....but oh well it was worth the laughs we had bout it hehehe :D
  7. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    i just realised i never actually told u a hangove/drunken story! to be honest there are lots but the most recent one happened a few weeks ago when i woke up to find loads of dirt, twigs and leaves in my bed, i was like what the hell and went to turn over when there was a really bad pain in the back of my head so i put my hand to it to find dried blood in my hair and a nice big scab on my scalp, so now im starting to worry coz i really cant remember what the hell happened, i checked the rest of my body out and found my left arm was covered in some quite deep cuts and scratches.

    Still not knowing what i had done i went to ask my housemates if they knew what had happened but alas they could not remember either until a few hours later one of them had a flashback and said i fell into the bush outside our house when we were trying to get in but nobody had realised i had banged my head. This happened 3 weeks ago and i still have a big egg shaped lump on the back of my head and a few scars on my arm from the cuts!!! ::)
  8. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    omg - are u ok now hun? hope you are but that is a really funny story :D
  9. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    I have only puked twice in my life while drinking (in 6 years of being legal, I'm quite proud of this fact!)...once was a night out at Jellyrolls and the other was last week when I was visiting two of my best Disney girls in Kamloops, BC. We decided to do the night Disney-Style and boy did we!!!! The ferry to Vancouver Island the next morning was pretty rough.

  10. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    well i dont think its done any long term damage in fact it might have even knocked some sense into me! but i do still have a very big lump on my head, my hairdresser today even commented on how huge it is! maybe i should go get it seen to!!! i feel fine though thanks for ur concern. wish it had been taped would have made hilarious viewing!
  11. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    yeah and u mite even have got "250 for it lol ;D
  12. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    now that would have been worth it :D
  13. ErIcK mOuSe

    ErIcK mOuSe New Member

    I'm a genetic freak! because I can get so messed up in alcohol and never get a hangover!! the hard thing it's not to sleep that really sucks! Try me! jaja
  14. Jimbobdaga

    Jimbobdaga Member

    I'm the same way, as long as I eat before drinking I never get hung over. I have only been hung over once and it was because I didn't eat before hand. I have been so scared I'm going to randomly get hung over one of these nights that I drink and have to go to work the next day, but I have not had this happen yet.
  15. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    I've got a hangover today!!!! ::)

    (now I remember why I don't drink that much!!! whoops!)
    Ellen x x x :D
  16. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    lol ellen.

    jess hope your ok now and that bump goes soon!!.

    a word of advice never MIX drink while still under a local anistatic (can't spell it lol) i did this once when i had a filling done in one of my teeth and went out a few hours later and next thing i know i was totally tripping out and the after affect where bad sumthing i never wanna do again i felt i was i=on a rollercoaster, i no it wasn't sumone spiking my drink as i buy bottles and keep them covered at all time with my thumb so nuthing can be popped in!!
  17. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    I'm hungover once again as spent the whole weekend drunk considering it was my birthday weekend :D

    got a dirty pint bought for me which cost £18 and had pretty much everything in it and hardly any mixer. needless to say it knocked me right off my feet but luckily i didnt hit my head again!!!! ::)
  18. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    well at least u didnt do that lol - my nxt bday will be celebrated in disney :eek:
  19. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    happy birthday for the weekend just gone then jess sorry we missed it

    in greece thay had a drink called a head focker, it was a pint of 9 different sprirt and nothing else, it does exactly what it says on the tin!!!
  20. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    thanks ;D

    my dirty pint was the worst thing in the world, when they sat it down on the table in front of me the smell that came off it was vile. as far as i know it had every type of whit spirit in it including all the ones i cant stand such as perno, sambuka, tequilla as well the usual vodka, archers etc not to mention my worst fear.......aftershock (which i had already done 2 shots off earlier by the way)

    nobody could sit next to me after til i had some chewing gum coz my breath absolutely stank and everybody made sure nobody struck a match next to me too!!!!

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