Had my phone interview yesterday!! When do we find out?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by rachel293, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. rachel293

    rachel293 New Member


    I had my phone interview yesterday! Was so nervous, talked far to fast and kept repeating myself! Really don't think it went very well but I really hope that they could see how much I want to do the program!

    I thought they had said that we will find out in about 4 weeks if we are in but I've read somewhere that we find out by the end of the month.. which is REALLY soon? Does anyone know?
  2. EmmaB

    EmmaB New Member

    Ah well done on your phone interview! i have mine tomorrow! nervous but dead excited.

    im not sure when we find out but iv heard the same - they might say its gunna be 4 weeks but might do it earlier as thats what happened with my phone interview. after iv sent my application, i got the email back saying it'll be about 6-8 weeks but got an email earlier than that saying i was invited to a phone interview.

    the waiting is the hardest bit though!

    anyway, sorry i cant answer your question but good luck anyway! :)
  3. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    We should hear by the end of the month as the face to faces are in early November (well that's what Nick said anyway).

    Good luck either way!
  4. rachel293

    rachel293 New Member

    Aw okay thanks! :) can't wait to find out!

    Good luck to you both!
  5. BigPhil

    BigPhil New Member

    Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be sometime this week. Mine was on the 10th, so I've been waiting over 3 weeks already! I'm a nervous wreck, everytime my phone shows me I have an email, I'm terrified to open it!
  6. Ahh, my interview is tomorrow! I'm so nervous now. I'm really trying not to get my hopes up which is so hard as I've been waiting for this opportunity since I was 13!

    And then I will be joining you all in the waiting game!
  7. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Oh I'm just as bad... Jumping everytime I see I have a message. My interview was so late this time around that I seem to be cramming all the nerves into a week!!! I feel like we'll find out Friday. Just a feeling which is probably wrong!!!
    I remember the long nerves though. Its horrid!!! (Although nothing compared to after the face to face....)
  8. BigPhil

    BigPhil New Member

    My feeling is Saturday. Mainly because I have a feeling I'll get it on the one day where I can't keep a constant eye on my emails! I'm praying that my enthusiasm shone through my nerves though. I'm normally so calm and collected, and anything else I would have been, but it's just because it's Disney! I've had job interviews which involved giving a speech to the other 100 applicants, and I had no nerves at all. This though, a 5 minute phone conversation? Worst nerves ever! I've just got park BGM playing now to try and act like I'm there!
  9. Jayyeah

    Jayyeah New Member

    I emailed Yummy.

    "Greetings Jay,

    Many thanks for your email. We are currently concluding all telephone
    interviews, and would anticipate to respond to all applicants in the
    next 3 weeks!

    Have a Great day!

    Kristen Thornton
    Yummy Jobs"

    The lady during my phone interview said that i'd find out within 2 weeks of my interview, which i had 2 weeks ago today :O
  10. banable

    banable New Member

    I had my Interview today and I asked how long until we find out about f2f and she said usually its at the end of this month people find out, but because mine is very close to the end of the month I might be waiting another week or so.

    I think my interview went okay, there isnt anything more I wish Id said or done so its just waiting now. My interview was only 5 mins long, she rang me a tad late aswell so I think theyre trying to cram in as many as possible this year.

    Good Luck To Everyone!!
  11. If we find out at the end of this week it means I won't have long to wait, my interview is tomorrow morning haha

    I have a bit I want to say so I hope they don't rush me lol :D
  12. EmmaB

    EmmaB New Member

    I had my phone interview this morning - had michele who was lovely but the interview was horrible! Think I panicked haha anyway she said that we'd find out in the next few days cos apparently the face to face interviews are in nov so hopefully not much waiting until we find out.
    Fingers crossed for all you guys. Good luck. X
  13. rachel293

    rachel293 New Member

    I hate not knowing lol!! Wish we had a date we could look forward to! Really hope it is the end of the month though, means we don't have to wait very long :)

  14. SarahJane19x

    SarahJane19x New Member

    My interview wasn't great, i think I talked too much haha.. It's so hard to tell if you made a good impression over the phone.. Although I hope we find out this week, I'm from Aberdeen and we were told at the info session in Sept that the f2f with Disney is on 7th November!! Not in London btw b4 you all get excited hehe :)
  15. rachel293

    rachel293 New Member

    Really?? Its the Aberdeen one that I would have to go to as I'm in Edinburgh and was told that would be closest! That's not long at all! I didn't think my interview either but I suppose you can never tell what they think so fingers crossed :D

  16. SarahJane19x

    SarahJane19x New Member

    Yeah, I'm at RGU and they're coming on 7th which is a Monday - I felt bad because when I said to Becky at YJ.. I don't think she was expecting me to know the exact date.. I think she said that she'd only found out that day :/.. Yeah well i hope that's a good sign that we'll know soon as people like you will have to travel etc. ;D xxx
  17. suomyno

    suomyno New Member

    Just had my interview.... Didn't go as well as I expected. I don't think my answers were *bad*, but I think they weren't as good as they could have been because my nerves got the better of me. And I think I was stuttering and talking too fast, also due to nerves :p Good luck everyone!!
  18. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    I had my interview today as well! Did anyone elses interview start really late? It was about half an hour after they said they would call :/ I thought they had forgotten me at first! :p so I didn't get too much time to speak, I can't really judge how it went but I wouldn't say it went well :( hopefully we will find out soon :) when do the phone interviews actually finish? Are applications still open? xx
  19. rachel293

    rachel293 New Member

    My interview started about 5 minutes late, tbh I haven't heard of anyone who thought their interview went well so everyone is feeling the same, sure you done good :D. Applications are still open for another 2 days so i hope we will hear shortly after that... especially if some of the interviews are as soon as the 9th of November!
  20. I just had my interview, I'm not too sure how it went, I think I gave some good answers but eh who knows :/ We should find out soon because she went to say "you should find out in the next few days" and changed it to "next week" so maybe monday? I think I spoke a lot too lol I hope I did good enough.

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