
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by kimmiedancer, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    Just wondering if there guests are generally friendly?
    I used to a lot of mustomers being nasty at my work and I really hope I'll get to serve more nice customers at Disney World.
    Anyone able to give me an idea?

  2. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    Most guests are really really lovely, but you get the odd few that are really, really rude. In training I was told to call a supervisor if anyone was at ALL rude to me - we don't get paid enough to deal with the hassle. It would depend a lot on how busy the parks are too, obviously it's frustrating for guests to have to wait in line for hours to get on a ride and they do kind of expect you to be able to do something about it haha.

    But like I said, it's a very small percentage of guests that are rude, most are absolutely lovely ans SO excited to be at Walt Disney World, and they love to chat about where you're from and what it's like to work for Disney. So don't worry about guests at all, they make working there extra special :-D
  3. Leloo

    Leloo New Member

    I totally agree with Charlotte ...
    I would say 98 % are good guests and 2 % are rude guests ...
  4. ariella

    ariella New Member

    Ya, I had one really bad rude guest experience who wanted to blame me for the design of something but that was about it. Everyone else was so positive and friendly, and really interested in hearing about what I took at school, how I got the job at Disney, and about Canada.
  5. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    Yay I'm so happy to hear this!

    At my work I have to deal with more like 40% horrible guests :S so it's easy to make the start of your shift go from a happy one to a not so hapy one!
  6. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Most people are just interested in how you got the job etc. - I explained the ICP at least once a day! (Many have heard of the college program - and are interested in the differences. Once someone tried to convince me I was on a different program!)
    A few are rude - they know Disney will do something about it, so I think some just try it on! A couple of times I sent someone to the manager - I wasn't told to tell someone if anyone was rude to me - but I think QS is a bit different to Attractions.

    One time I had a rude guy - it completely wasn't my fault the kitchen had lost his order, and out of everyone I was the only one trying to get it sorted (kitchen weren't helping as whoever was on window didn't quite get the problem) and everyone else was either busy with others, or didn't seem to think it was a problem - and I ended up being shouted at by the guest, which was unfair as I was trying to get it fixed. I think I sent them to the manager though. Rather shook me up actually, it was quite near the end of my programme.

    But out of all the people I saw and helped over the summer, there were maybe 4 or 5 rude ones? Most people are just happy to be in Disney. It probably depends on your location though!
    Not that I'm trying to put you off, or brush it away - but just preparing you! I think most of the people who didn't enjoy it just weren't prepared for what they were getting themselves in for, and expected it to be a lot easier than it was!
  7. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    I'm not expecting it to be easy
    I'm actually asking a lot of questions to try not and as worry as much because I'm really hoping I'll enjoy my year there, but also scared it might be a disaster!

    Thank you for your input (espesh with QS since I'll be doing that :p )
  8. neevyweevy

    neevyweevy New Member

    Some of the guests really do make it special and stick in your memory. During one of the quiet times, just before we were closing in MK, a little girl came in with her mum. Her mum was taking ages to buy something so i sat down on the floor and spoke to her for about 15 minutes while she told me about all her trips to Disney, and told me the story behind each of the pins on her lanyard. It was so simple but the little moments like that do make long days and bad guests seem so silly!
  9. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    its not a challenge if theres no awquard guests isit haha
    as i will be working on attractions im preparing myself if the ride breaks down and you have a guest thats been queing for hours and i am thier first point of contact then im going to get all kinds of abuse, but all you can do is just be prepared stay calm explain to the guest everythings being done to rectify the problem etc etc to please them.
    i am really looking forward to it. customers can be annoying especially after working in a cinema and john lewis you get all types!

    i need to get my accredidation letter done again because apparantly i didnt hand it in the interviews, but i did they most likely lost it so i need to get that sorted next week =]
  10. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    that's so cute :)
  11. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    is it wrong that I quite enjoyed dealing with the more challenging guests? haha! Most guests are lovely and are having a great holiday... the ones which are upset or angry can be more tricky to help but if you turn their day around by sorting out thier problem then they go away a happier guest and you are a happier cast member ;D
  12. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    It's not wrong... I think I just struggled with that guy because there was a counter between us and it was lunch rush and therefore noisy and busy. I also didn't want to go home!
    I love helping people though! Hope there aren't too many Brazilians when I'm there this time though... can't think that would be fun in attractions!
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    You better revise your numbers 1-10 in spanish and portugese!! I was in merch so it was a bit easier, I imagine dealing with pissed off AND hungry guests isnt fun!
  14. Tink**

    Tink** New Member

    It totally all depends on the people. Its not really something you can predict- you are going to get happy guests, and you are going to get crabby ones. Usually the happy ones outweigh the rude ones, but they are still there! It amazed me the amount of time I would walk past people yelling at their kids... Now, this wasn't when I was working, this was just generally walking around the parks.
    It seriously upset me how often I heard parents talking down to their kids or yelling at them for crying or threatening to take them back to the hotel or anything like that. I mean, if you can't handle taking your kid to a noisy, crowded, busy, hot environment, you shouldn't take them to Disney World! But I digress...

    Most guests are pretty amazing and are generally interested in talking to you and finding out all about the program!
  15. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I didn't mind challenging guests when they're upset for an actual reason, not when they blame you for stuff that isn't your fault haha. I got shouted at because someone had lost their child and it was, somehow, my fault. In attractions you're generally so busy you just don't have time to deal with stuff like that, so we got told to call a coordinator. Wouldn't have changed my job for the world though :)
  16. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I had a few lost parents... but they all seemed weirdly calm... it was a bit odd! I think I would be freaking out!

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