just wondering - do we kinda 'graduate' if we complete the program?? seen some pics on places and few people mentioned it. or is it only if you do the college program?
You get a very cool graduation Josie ( you even get a robe and Mickey ears ). It's a month before you leave and it's with all of the people who will be leaving the same month. It's a big event with an official part ( taking place in the german "Biergarten" ) where they make a speech and call your names one by one to make you go on stage and get your certificate from your managers. It's such a neat idea, I loved it. One of the bands from the world showcase will be playing ( you never know who it's gonna be...we had Mexico with the Mariachi LOL ). Mickey will take a picture with you and many of your friends who will be leaving after you will be there to congratulate you, take pictures etc. After that comes the unofficial part where you drink around the world with all of your friends hehe. Sadly I was only 20 so I had to resist to do that. Graduation is definitely one of the highlights Disney provides for you! Julia
aww wow thats so cool. so marie, linz we'll be together as we all arrive around the same time, that would be cool, and u robyn, i haven't 4gotten u before u say somethin lol xxx
they were in the process of changing it when i was leaving. it's in the odessey building. we had to fight to get the robes. the one before us didn't get them. there was also talk of merging it with the college program graduation. drinking around the world is the best part. i'm not a drinker, but i had fun. start in canada, that way you make it to all the shows. take your mickey ears to magic kingdom afterwards and they will put your name on it for you
its a bizarre day - its the point where it finally sinks in that the IP is not forever and that its actually coming to an end... :'( Its a brilliant day though - about 13 of us went to the 'Hoop-de-doo-revue' after my graduation - it was ace  my tip is to go to the front of the park with your robes on and get the pro photographer to take your picture - my mum loves my Disney grauation picture more than my real graduation picture!
Hey Gals and Guys, This is so neat!!!!! Get graduated and all!!! It seems so cool, but hey i have read that they give the diploma based on ur performance??? Let say someone never gets sacked , but it has a poor performance. Is he/she able to graduate? Thanks See ya Robb ;D
Rob im sure u dont have to worry about poor performance, ur do great im sure... Wow this totally makes up for the fact i miss my graduation its on 22nd June and i leave on the 14th! I def want my name put on my ears! im such a child at heart! xxx
Thats sounds so cool!!! I guess that day will be a real mixture of emotions. Youll be having a great time but it will also mean that youre leaving soon!! Cant wait to get my graduation picture - i dont like my 'real' one and one with mickey will be so much better!!!
It was a fantastic day! I graduated with many of my best friends so it was just a big party! A very memorable day, too! I didn't sleep all night before and started to drink with 2 of my friends at 4 in the morning ( as we were underage and not supposed to be drinking around the world later ). You will receive a diploma no matter what. If you are not terminated by then you will be treated like the rest of the graduates. I forgot mine in my apt. by the way LOL If anyone moves into #831 maybe you will stumble over it hehe It's weird to hear the changes about graduating. I always loved the graduations in the Biergarten. And about the lack of robes- that was always the case LOL We went there way early to make sure we get one that fits Julia
Hey Guys! Graduation is really neat, I have only been here for 3 months but some the canadians left last weeks o i got to hear all about it, IT sounds neat but you get your picture with minnie instread so i just hope they will change it and mickey will be there... cause well i like him lol.. but then yes after you get to do drinking around the world..YAY!! I can't do it, but when im working popcorn i alwasy come accross people that have been drinking and they are soo tankered.. i have had to refuse drinks to people all the time..
Hey Gals and Guys, Thats so neat!!!! MMMM, it will be hard not getting to drink at all. But hey rules and rules, and we have got obey. Even though I know that drinking little, from time to time, doesnt harm anyone. I have seen some pics, and is it true that the robes or sort of red/magenta?? With golden laces or so. They look really neat. See ya Robb ;D
Drinking around the world....now your talking. Wait to the food and wine festival starts up...thats alot of fun
OK Graduated last August and it had completely changed since most of the stuff on here. You have a meeting/graduation thingy down in Mickeys retreat where you get your ears. Then a few weeks/days later you go to an immigration talk in China. After the really boring manditory talk you get to put robes on and have a picture outside. You don't however get a proper graduation like you used to. It's down played and Mickey no longer comes (although you can have pics with him at the Mickeys retreat barbaque but without your robes as we don't get to borrow these until the immigration speech)
Gismo that's not cool at all  :-\ I loved my graduation and I think it was a great way for Disney to show you their appreciation ( since you didn't get much of that at work ). It would really suck if they keep it that way. I'm disappointed now  :'( Julia PS: The robes used to be red about 10 years back ( ok, maybe 6 ) and 3 years back they were more like a lilac/purple colour.
Is this graduation for us fellow college programmers who are going for three months or just for u lucky lot who are stayin for a year???xxx
Gismo - thats really sad that they don't do it like they used to anymore :'(Â it was a really great way for Disney to show their appreciation.I guess everything changes for a reason though. Just one question:Â Whats the immigration talk about? - just curious. Ciao