Hey potentials. Ive gotten to know alot of u guys off this, and you all seem really cool people. And id really love 2 spend a year with u all in florida, so i just wanted 2 say a big good luck 2 you all for the days ahead. I hope everyone, including myself gets the invite 2 the pre interviews and so on, Anyways good luck! Jimx
Good luck to everyone as well I'm at school at the moment and hotmail is blocked, so the only way i've been able to find out about whether people have received any news is by coming on here!! I think we'll hear on monday...
Hey everyone, Yes GOOD LUCK to all of you. I hope we can all see eachother in Febuary. muawwwwwww. xxxxxx
Yeah, good luck everyone. You all rock and I cant wait til I get to meet you all WHEN we get our f2f interviews. :-*
Good luck everyone. Be yourself, keep smiling and you'll all do fine. We want more great people to join our great group of people who are in Florida this/next year Feel free to message me anytime if you have any questions.