Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Kerry J, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    Hey folks
    just wanted to say a HUGE good luck to us all that have our F2F interviews this week!! Looking forward to meeting all of you guys in Glasgow on Thursday!! You will find me wandering around the college looking which ever room we are meant to go to!! ;D
    Best wishes to everyone!!!!!!
    Kerry xxx
  2. rachet

    rachet New Member

    thankyou, and good luck to you too!!!
  3. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Good luck everyone! Just had my interview- the people doing it are lovely and the questions are prolly what you'd expect so don't worry too much :) (Didn't stop me screwing up on waffling on about nothing, but oh well ;))

    Was a bit weird though- there were loads of people there from UWIC who were applying as part of their course, most of whom had just heard about it and hadn't gone through any of the phone interview or anything! And loads were just dressed in jeans and whatever- after all that worrying about my clothes too!
  4. rachet

    rachet New Member

    i reckon "waffling on" will work in your favour if anything, it probably made you seem chatty and friendly!
    roughly how many people were there??
    did they give any indication about how competitive it is at this stage or anything like that?
  5. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Nah, someone asked something along those lines, and she said she couldn't divulge that information.

    There were quite a few people, I'm rubbish at estimating, but I'd say maybe 40 or 50? But a lot of them were UWIC students who have to apply for an internship as part of their summer course, and they had to sign an attendance sheet, so I'm not sure if it was compulsory for them to go or not??

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