**Future CPs/ICPs read this!!!**

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by kimmiedancer, May 8, 2011.

  1. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    Hey everyone!

    I am from New Zealand. I am finishing my year programme here in Florida in July. I have had so many positive and negative experiences. ...but I can tell you the positives WAY outweight the negatives.

    You have to be open to trying new things and having new experiences. You have to accept you aren't going for the pay (though the perks are pretty awesome - esp at christmas- and make up for it). You have to perservere. You have to have the willpower for some long days and ealry/late shifts. Be prepared for weird questions and being expected to know everything. You don't need to know it all - you just learn what to do in each circumstance! You keep guides on you. You stay close with your leaders.

    I was scared. I han't worked more than a 6hour shift before.
    But I can tell you now that I can work a 12 hour shift now no problem.
    I was pretty shy.
    I can tell you can now talk to anyone!
    I lived in a cold place and was not good with heat.
    Now I have adapted and am afraid of going back to the cold!
    I was pretty normal and kept to myself in NZ.
    Here I am like a tourist attraction! Everyone loves that I am from a different place and I have great conversations about it every day!
    You feel more special :)

    I can say that I in no way regret my decision to come here. It has been life changing. I love the people here.
    Please, you live once. If you are for it, itf you have the will power, accept the challenge! There are so many things to see and do here. You will love it and you won't look back!

    I am not even Disney'ed out!

    Peace, love mickey!!!


    p.s : ...feel free to check out my blog to see more of what my experience has been like. :)
  2. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    hey - great to hear some encouragment to take the program (I'm currently waiting to hear back if get an offer or not) - your blog was an interesting read too , certainly sounds like an interesting experience :)
  3. marjorie0201

    marjorie0201 New Member

    Wow, thanks so much for sharing this! I am very shy myself and hope participating in the program may help :)
  4. Thanks for this post, I've only ever worked a maximum of 8 hour shifts and the long shifts have been a concern of mine.

    Will be definitely checking out your blog. :)
  5. citylightsTAM

    citylightsTAM New Member

    Reading your blog. wow, 3.40am shifts?!
    considering i don't even sleep now, i can do this.

    I found out today that i can't get my student status stuff signed before July 20 (my results come out then) - so guess i cant send in my forms until the end of July :(
  6. lilacwhisper

    lilacwhisper New Member

    Many thanks for sharing your personal experience ;) That's pretty encouraging!
  7. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Yeh there are definitely a lot of downsides over there but if it wasn't great i wouldn't be applying to go back :p

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