Funny thing happen this morning

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tazzy, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. Tazzy

    Tazzy New Member

    Hey all,

    I know most of you going to get a good laugh of this. I actually poured orange juice in my cereal instead of milk which was beside my bowl lol Should of gotten more sleep last night LOL

    Have anyone done weired things that like in the early morning? lol

  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    hehe!!! ive put orange juice in my tea in the morning dint realise untill i had a siip!! yukkk!!!
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :) how did u become a moderator?
  4. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    on a more disgusting note - i picked out some orange juice from the fridge this morn went to pour it in a glass and it came out in lumps - not quite the same as orange juice in tea etc but it still made me laugh when i put it back in the frige no-ing full well my bro was gonna drink it later lol ;D
  5. disney_dreamer

    disney_dreamer New Member

    lol@gary :D...ive done soo many crazy stupid things like that..

    my friends mum was having one of those crazy mad days ,she was loosing her mind,she came home from shopping and put her purse in the fridge,and the cabbage in her bag!!!! couldnt stop laughing all day!!! he he!

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