Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disneydreamer, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    who else is going to the face to face in london on friday 23rd!!! got the email today...
  2. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    ME! ME! I'M going!! *squueeeeeeeee* A month to prepare hmmm... I really have to decide what order to put all those roles. I'm going to look so weird in the interview.. I wanna do this. Wait no. This. Or maybe... no, this. Hmmmmm ahhhh...

    So relieved it's in Hammersmith - anyone need a place to stay? Lol we can put up 3 if you're a cosy lotlol . One can even have their own real super comfy bed. Wow.
  3. mainy1711

    mainy1711 New Member

    Its Aberdeen on the 13th for me!! to be there for 8.30 am!! looks like a hotel for a night ;)
  4. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    i cant decide what order to put the roles in either! each one seems to have like a hidden could be a parking attendent! that would be rubbish!!
    i dont know whether to go up the night before or not it'll be so hard to get ther for half 8 jeeeeessss early early train..
  5. cowza

    cowza New Member

    I was told that of the choices you make in the job roles they will offer you the position they think you are best matched to from your chat with them and your CV. So for example if you put merchandise first and then operations... they will be looking for certain qualities and/or retail experience to back up that you'll be good at merchandise. I can't say key things they look out for because there are so many different scenarios. For operations, some of the rides are scripted so drama experience may help you... but then there are plenty of rides that won't require much guest interaction. I would say generally don't worry if you can't decide between a few different roles coz fate will choose for you... and if you're really disapointed with what you get offered you can request them to reconsider...

    Don't be too discouraged if you haven't got experience at what you want to do though coz they do full training obviously... they just need to see you'll be cut out for it. It's possible they may ask you about why you've picked your first choice role so have a good answer if that is what you're setting out to do ;-)
  6. mainy1711

    mainy1711 New Member

    Is nobody going to aberdeen :-\ lol! i just booked a hotel for the night before! I can tell you what its like before you guys go :D Dinno where i want to work either!
  7. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    thanks cowza, least there's 4 weeks to get it down to the role i want...i must be the worst person ever for making decisions its hard enough to decide what to wear in the morning or what to eat!!
  8. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    I know. Exactly. What you mean.

    Nightmare. I really can't decided what to wear to the interview either... business-cas-artsy which is what I'd normally go for, or super-businessy-exec-style which is what the Disney Look sound like - don't want to look like an idiot though! *sigh* The answers will come *zen-hum* :D

    Now should I go buy a salas or have that Mars icecream waiting in the freezer....
    SALAD actually, easy option, I'm planning to lose half a stone before interview. God knows I need some sort of incentive and I think looking good for Disney is more likey to do the trick than some others :p
  9. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Aw, (early) good luck everyone! :) I was in the same position about a million years ago (where does the time go!) I work in the Hammersmith offices, so perhaps I'll pop down and see who's around! :D

  10. theb5

    theb5 New Member

    Sorry if this is a stupid question lol, but are these interviews for the year-long CRP, or the college program??
  11. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    theb5....these are the nterviews for the icp...summer college programe what do you do in the hammermith offices?!
    does anyone know exactly what role they want and there was nothing to it... or is everyone having this problem??
  12. mehmeh

    mehmeh New Member

    are you going for summer 2008? i am applying for that too. just had my phonme interview for that today (im from dundee/edinburgh) and gthe nearest they saud that they are doing interviews for 20008 (summer) is liverpool! how did you get an interview at aberdeen you lucky thing!?

  13. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    After a bit of confusion (initially given 26th which I can't make) I'm going on 23rd !!

    (By the way GNER are doing £5 singles at the moment, anywhere on the network so could go to London from Edinburgh , or to Aberdeen for only £10 return cutting the costs a bit)
  14. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    for the one in hammersmith i have to leave my house by 10 to 5.....rubbbbbishhh
  15. rupsi

    rupsi New Member

    YAY! I'm also in for Friday 23rd; got the email yesterday.
    How exciting!
    4:50 really sucks; I don't have to leave till 7:10 so I have it easy!
  16. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    ugh well thats not fair!! id rather do it this way than pay to stay up the night before, i'd be gutted if i spent loads of money on this and then didnt get it :(
  17. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    funny you should say that *steph*, thats exactly what happened to me last March, paid for Flights and trains bothways and then when I got into the interview Kim who is ever so nice said "I see your from Belfast, I'm flying over there tomorrow for more interviews" well I had to stop my jaw from dropping but I met great people and had a fab time so I don't regret it. I never got in but I've reapplied and my f2f is looming on the 16th in Belfast this time round.
  18. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    good luck for this time round least its not as far to travel... im just really worried about spending money on this and then not getting in or getting in and then regretting that i didnt!
  19. sineadg

    sineadg New Member

    hey everyone! just wondering if people are meeting up the night before, getting food etc....I'm flying over from dublin on da thurs nite so ill be around if anyone wants to meet up for a chat beforehand :)
  20. Tiddelypom

    Tiddelypom New Member

    Yep definately would love to meet anyone staying up the night before. Sinead, I live 5mins walk from the interviews yay! So will definately be around for food, drinks and chat!
    Hope some others can come too it would be good to meet some of you mysterious forum people... :D

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