French people 2003 - 2004

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Travis Fimmel, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. Hey there,

    I am new and found this great website. Well, I wanna know if there are any french people from 2003 - 2004.

    Party 4 life...
  2. doroparis

    doroparis New Member


    j'étais à epcot & aux commons de déc 2002 à janv 2004: the best experience ever!!!

    tu es tjs en floride?
    food & bev ou merchandise?

    enjoy les party et embrasse notre beau pavillon français :)

  3. Salut Doro,

    j'ai était au commons depuis juin 2003 jusqu´a juin 2004.

    mais biensur ...le meilleur experience. J´ai fété beaucoup avec les francais et des francaises ;)

    C´est domage qu´il n´y pas assez des francais ici...

  4. Floeckchen2301

    Floeckchen2301 New Member

    Hey french people!!!!!

    I need your help!! :)

    Who knows Marion from the french Pavillion. She was there from summer 2003 to summer 2004, was working in the bakery and as buzzer and she was livin' in 1017, before she moved into a 2 people app.

    I was her german roomy and I couldn't reach her before we left so I dun have her email adress and nothing!!!! But I kinda miss her and I would love to write her and see, what she is doing now!!!! :-[

    Please, if you know her, I would like to get her emailadress or you can give her mine!!! or!!!!!!!
  5. Charly

    Charly New Member

    I was in Epcot at this time and I know Marion, I do not have her adress but I have the one of her (ex?)boyfriend if you want..
    Salut Dorothée!! Quoi de neuf? ;)
  6. Floeckchen2301

    Floeckchen2301 New Member

  7. doroparis

    doroparis New Member

    hi & bonjour

    je crois que floeckchen, tu as eu le mail de Marion
    you got her e-mail address i guess. She was a great girl.
    et Charly, tu n'es plus à Disney il me semble?
    moi je suis tjs à Paris, je suis commerciale mais je n'arrive tjs pas à oublier Disney & les Commons!!
    et toi? que fais tu maintenant?
  8. doroparis

    doroparis New Member

    hi & bonjour

    je crois que floeckchen, tu as eu le mail de Marion
    you got her e-mail address i guess. She was a great girl.
    et Charly, tu n'es plus à Disney il me semble?
    moi je suis tjs à Paris, je suis commerciale mais je n'arrive tjs pas à oublier Disney & les Commons!!
    et toi? que fais tu maintenant?

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