french girl new in the web site

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by auror62, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. auror62

    auror62 New Member


    i would like to go and work for wdw in florida around september-october, do you know when are the interviews sessions?? i know one is in february and when is the other one??

    Is it possible to ask to work in hotel as receptionist because i have experience in this field??

    thank you for your answers

  2. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    The next interviews (as far as I'm aware) are in November so I don't think you'll hit your target!
    As far as working in a hotel - the only work available through this particular program is at Epcot in the world showcase.
  3. Emybb5

    Emybb5 Guest

    Hey Aurore !

    Une nouvelle française sur le

    I'm leaving April 26th to work for Disneyworld-Epcot in Florida.

    My interview was in October.

    If u want to apply, the next one is in April - but I think it is too late...
    So, there will be an other interview in October.

    You must contact "international services" ; take a look at their website :

    Good luck.
  4. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member

    bienvenue sur le forum!

    je crois que tout le monde a déjà repondu a tes questions! Je ne suis pas sur s'il y a des postes disponibles comme receptionistes car ils n'offrent que des postes dans le parc d'attractions Epcot. C'est a cause des restrictions de VISA je crois!

    Tu viens d'ou?
    Beth (c'est son coloc Becky qui traduit!)
  5. auror62

    auror62 New Member


    i am from calais in the north of france
    Somebody told me there are 2 sessions to go to Florida, tell me if i am wrong

    Interview in october-november-------leaving for florida in April

    When is the other session????
  6. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member

    I'm not sure if its the same process in France, but over here a bunch of people are leaving in June, and some more in September/December, then I think a few more leave in March/April 2006.
    If you look on you will find who to contact regarding the process in France, and when they send cast members out.
    Good Luck!
    Beth :-*
  7. Emybb5

    Emybb5 Guest

    The other session is in April. So, if I were u, I would send my resume right now !


  8. JorisMarseille

    JorisMarseille New Member


    Effectivement tout le monde t'a déjà plus ou moins répondu...

    Je pense que tu es allée voir le site de internationalservices , et tu as pu voir les emplois qui était proposé a Disney...
    Il y a des possibilitées pour travailler dans l'acceuil, mais pas en hotel, ce sera seulement en restaurant.

    pour ce qui est des selections, je pense que pour Avril c'est effectivement trop tard, j'ai voulu inscrire un copain et il n'a pas pus, donc tu va devoir te rabattre sur le session d'Octobre...

    Si ta besoin de renseignement , pas de probléme...

  9. French Donald

    French Donald New Member

    Bienvenue Aurore...
    Bon et bien puisque tout le monde t'a répondu il ne me reste qu'à te souhaiter "bonne chance" ;)...
    A bientot en Floride j'espère... :D

    Et toi Joris as tu des nouvelles de ton entretien?

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