Formal Attire

Discussion in 'Disney Cruise Line Discussion' started by tinkithink, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Are there occasions on board where a formal dress/outfit might be appropriate? And I'm not talking like, business attire - I mean a formal or semi-formal kinda thing?
  2. cowza

    cowza New Member

    They have formal themed events for crew on occasion. Cocktail evenings... that kind of thing. You don't HAVE to wear formal to them but it would be a great idea to have something. There are also the crew awards once every year. Oscar themed.

    Also, bear in mind... if you have guest privileges you are expected to follow guest dress codes if visiting a guest area on your off time. This is a lot more stricter on the longer cruises... and if it's formal night and you want to go to a guest area during that evening you would be expected to be wearing formal also.

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