lets just all sit in the corner..... will jason make calls 2moro??? i so won't be getting any sleep tonight!
Don't worry about it mate, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they carried on the calls tomorrow. It looks like they started making them pretty late tonight anyway.
guys, really, DON'T panic!!! No one who's heard yet is going in December.. most likely they'll contact the December lot tomorrow. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you! Beth :-*
Hey Jo- i'm going to sit in the corner with you! I cant go in December either! Its a strange feeling wondering 'is there any chance'/ The really annoying thing about this way of letting people know is people who dont get accepted dont get 'closure' till next Thursday :S anyway, fingers crossed, and good luck!
seriously guys no need to panic!! there r a lot of u to get through, who knows what order they have people in, it could b anything, so just keep ur chins up ppl, i know its hard! xxx
anna stop it lol! u will get the call, but ooh what ice cream u got!? lol i got faith in u hun, theyd b crazy not 2 let u go!!! xxx
oh i'd forgotten about december! i lost it. gone running over to my boyfriends convinced that i hadn't got it, so he was kinda happy and then read that bout december, and thought ah bummer, don't want a phone call now!!! hahaha whoops can i have some icecream please??? ben and jerrys chocolate fudge cake would be good
haha mmmmmmm that would be good too. i love the cookie dough bits.... ohhh i feel a trip to the shop is in order!
i know, i too am extremely tempted by the delights of the only 2 guys in my life at the minute lol xxx
Ahhh hun its not going to happen, am getting more than slightly bad vibes lol.... ...and its hagaan daaz pralines and cream and munchies ice cream
hey guys i got the call at like half 5 i think they were late im SURe all ur fones will ring tomoro! gud luk loads luv ema x xx
Yeah I second that emma, I got my call about 7.50pm, so think they are working rather late 2nite!! I think they will still have loads of people to call 2moro as they started late 2nite. fingers crossed Helen x
Hey, if each call takes 20-30 minutes and they had like, 45 or so people from our group to call then chances are pretty certain that they would have to run over tp the next day. I can't believe I missed the call! they rang me but I was at work so didn't find out until we closed at about 11:30pm! I left a message on the answerphone though to let them know I would call tomorrow morning.
Not got the call so no sleep tonight! lol. God help my teachers if he calls in a lesson tomorrow cos there is nothing that is going to stop me walking out and taking that call! lol. Am beginning to think i haven't got this... i'm going mad!! *looks for men in white coats*
I've just been to a student union meeting and got really drunk! Asked a question like 'who would win in a fight between X and Y'. Fun as. Hoepfully hear tomorrow. If not, then disney hate me, but i'll still come on vacation with my KPMG wages. Fit Dan