i have a question about flights - if i buy my own flight out there - do i get the same amount to buy my flight back? what i mean is if i pay £250 is that what i get to book my flight home? the reason im asking is i can get a cheap fare out to states because il be just under 26 but coming back ill be over 26 and then not qualify for the reduced rate of lifhgt. so would it be better to let disney book so even if it is more expensive it means i wont have to pay extra towards my flight home? also has anyone else had any luck with the oxford sta branch? i emailed them at the start of jan and got an email a few days ago saying they would be in touch but they stil havent - the flight i was going to buy now has gone :S
as far as i can tell the cost you pay for the flight over is what you get back at the end of the year. its a bit of a bugger for those of us who have used budget airlines but im pretty much trying to ignore all that at the moment - a lot can happen in a year,so i wouldnt worry about your flight home right at the moment!! I didnt use STA so i cant really help with that - but if they are taking this long to get back to you id just go and try and find another flight without them - the longer you leave it the less likely your going to find the best deals!!
UGH dont even talk to me about STA. I've been waiting for ages on a reply and Im just gonna look into my own flight because it's taking WAY too long!
i tried calling STA as well one day and it kept ringing out. I'd seen the flight i wanted on their site but it went so a few days later when i phoned I gave up in the end and bought the next best flight I could. Ended up paying 40 pounds more. I've still booked with them though. I've used them before but only in person in the shops. So if you know you just want a flight etc I'd just go for the website prices. They say about getting your seats next to each other, but I figure it's just as easy to oganise that kind of thing ouselves if you meet up at the airport, get into line with people and then when the desk asks 'window or aisle' you get seats together!
well james from sta called me today at work - so of course i couldnt ake the cll - ill have to call him back tomorrow i have to go out soon and dont have time now im starting to be more tempted by letting disney book my flights!!!
I had an email to say i'd be called last week but I didn't get a call and then another saying i'd be called yesterday but no call. Finally I had a missed call from them today, i've tried to call him back but he isn't there, if I don't here from him by the end of the week i'm going to book over the internet
yeah u can - i tried calling their office and no answer meh-only reason i was gonna go through their office is that yummy recommended it im just going to let disney book my flights ive made my decision now lol i may as well i can just pay when i get over there or let them take it from my pay it doesnt matter
i HAD decided to do that but now i dunno anymore!! I think wen it gets to a few weeks before, il look around and if i can find any good deals, il book it, if not il just let disney book!