flight prices

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Chiyo, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Chiyo

    Chiyo New Member

    Hey, I just want to have an idea of the prices for the flight...as I'll be in the italian pavillion as merch Disney will book for me and i have no choice about it...considering that it depends on the season, and hoping that Disney cares about the finances of new cast members :-\ :-\....anyone knows the average price?
  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I know when I flew we had to pay back $560 (about £280) which to be honest, isn't really that bad. But we did get it back at the end of the year to fly home with.
  3. Chiyo

    Chiyo New Member

    that would be good...on the various web site if u search for flight to orlando u see prices like 1300 euro!!!..thanks
  4. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    It depends a bit where you're flying from I think...

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