Hey, well I have had a very hectic few weeks getting uni work done but have finally got my arse into gear and finished my CV and covering letter. But I am confused, do I just need to send these to Yummy or do I need to fill out the application form that can be found on this site? Also can I send my CV etc to Yummy via email or would it be best to send in the post???? Would be grateful for any help! Jess x P.S. I wish loads of good luck to all those with interviews coming up!
Hi Jess I sent mine straight to Yummy and I did it via e-mail but by post is good 2. Then you will have a phone interview and if you get past this, you will get a pack sent to you from Yummy giving detais about the face to face and it will have one of these application forms in it which you will have to fill out and send back to Yummy. Hope this helps!! Jo xx
cool so I don't need to send the application form now? Thats one less thing to do then! Cheers for both your help. Will get cv sent off in tomorrows post! Jess x
Hey Jess, When I first applied I sent the application form from this site with my c.v to yummy, because I didn't know any different. Today I got all the information through for my face to face and inclosed was the same application form I have already filled in ??? So I dont think it matters too much if you send it with your c.v , you will just have to fill it in twice. : Helen x ;D
hey helen...i did exactly the same as u! i wasnt aware we didnt need to fill that application in....ah well had the practice!
To be honest with you I have already filled it in, but I dont think I will send it yet I will keep it somewhere safe and hope I will get the chance to need it later on in this application process. I can bet ya any money though that somewhere safe will be a place I forget about!!!!v :
When i applied i did it online and Alexis just told me to e mail my cv and a covering letter to them... The covering letter i just wrote a few lines of why i wanted to do the program... Good luck, xxx