Few Questions...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by PrincessAshi, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Alrighty, just a few questions. I could EASILY just call the Info # but I figure co-worker experience/advice might help me out better.

    My Contract is starting April 24, I am arriving to Florida April 22 and making my own arrangements. But the question is: Where do I go on the 24th? Do I just show up at Commons?

    And I know everyone does a Wal-Mart Trip within their first few days, but What's the bedding/towel situation at Commons until I can get to Wal-Mart?

    Thanks, Any other random advice is COMPLETELY welcome.
  2. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    hey,im in your arrival group!!!!
    Ok,you need to provide all your own bedding and towels,including pillows,sheets,duvet (comforter - whatever you want to call it!!) im taking a sleeping bag with me for the first night untill i can get to the shops,and taking 1 big towel with me and il get more after i arrive.
    You should contact the arrivals team and find out where you go on the 24th - in most cases you go straight to the commons and check in but sometimes there is an over spill and some people are put into vista or chatham untill a bed frees up in the commons so you should find out before hand where to go - i was told that they dont know untill the week before we are due to arrive so id give them a call maybe the sunday or the monday and ask. you can call the arrivals team on: 407 560 6128 or email them at: wdwinternationalarrivalitineraries@disney.com
  3. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Where are you coming from Kerry? I don't have the space to bring a sleeping bag, so maybe that'll be part of my "Things to do" on the Monday!

    I'll go pick up a "Bed in a Bag" Type set and a few towels! and then spend some time in the parks.

    I can't wait! I wan to go NOW!!!
  4. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    im coming all the way from scotland!!!! i wish i was arriving early now,but i wont be arriving till about 5pm! im planning a wal mart adventure as soon as we have free time on the wednesday - need sooo much stuff!!!! :)
  5. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i think u can purchase bedding and towels from disney if u want but ur better off waiting to go to walmart

    im planning a walmart trip on my day of arrival if i get there early enough! im hoping to get into orlando at 3pm and be through everythng at the commons by 6 so ican hop a taxi to walmart before the meets and greets start later on
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I never saw anything about this last summer.

    Provided you get there early enough on your first day you should be able to catch a Wal Mart Bus (provided ones running that day) before any of your meet and greets. If not a taxi (if I remember correctly was close to 5-10 USD one way) and it's a short ride to Wal-Mart.
  7. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i just went without no bedding for a day or two until there was time for walmart!
  8. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Yeah, not going a day without bedding, I'll job hop over to Walmart on the Monday, before I actually start.

    Thanks for all the advice though
  9. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Do you know anyone who's got a sleeping back that rolls up really small? Someone who's gone travelling or something? I've got one that fits into my handbag, so shouldn't take up any room in my suitcase, always a solution if you can find one to scrounge! That or a sleeping bag liner- for a night in Florida that would be perfectly fine, probably more suitable than a sleeping bag actually (cotton ones are £10 or so from outdoor shops, or again, someone might be able to lend you one!!)

    Or steal one of the airline blankets/ pillows!!
  10. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I would say publix is the easiest place to get to..its closer than walmart and usually around the same price..

    I don't even think walmart is all that cheap in my opinion..

    If all else fails..you can get a bus to the commons and there will most likely be a shop that sells bedding in the premium outlets..which is just a walk away..
  11. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Thank you for all the suggestions, I'll see how my day goes. I was actually looking on Bed Bath and Beyond and might rent a car for the day to get there!

    See you all SOON! Getting SO Excited!

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