Favorite Ride

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by disneyfan, May 30, 2006.

  1. disneyfan

    disneyfan Guest

    What is eveyone's favorite ride at Walt Disney World?
  2. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    So far... I'm stuck between Expedition Everest and Rockin' Rollercoaster. Tower of terror would be my favorite, but the drops aren't big enough. Expedition everest is cool because you go backwards though and Rockin' Rollercoaster has got the high speed start! If anything, I'd give the edge to Rockin' Rollercoaster coz of the Aerosmith music!
  3. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    OK being the biggest whimp in the world, my fave ride is JOURNEY INTO IMAGINATION WITH FIGMENT, only because I love the song and the old one was so much better than the new one, or Spaceship Earth because its good to have a sleep on, and there's one bit where the guy says RENNASSANCE at it just sounds so so funny, and there's that bit that smells like barbecue sauce for no apparent reason. My all time fave was MR TOADS WILD RIDE but they got rid of it in Florida and replaced it with Winnie the Pooh (at the beginning of this ride there is a photo of Mr Toad passing the deed over to Owl which is cool). The one in California is OK but I still prefer the Florida one, or Horizons cause they song was brilliant and it was so so good, or that Dream flight one where when you entered it was like entering a plane (all of which have sadly ceased to be)
  4. Charlote

    Charlote New Member

    I would have to agree with Matt that Rockin Rollercoaster is really good the music does give it the edge but i do like splash mountain, it was my first ever ride that i went on!
  5. Birdman22

    Birdman22 New Member

    Tower Of Terror
  6. flavour

    flavour New Member

    i really like mission: space and rock'n'roller coaster...could ride that one for hour! it's great because it's inside and you can't really see what's coming and the music is just great!
  7. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    I think I now have a list of top 3....

    EVEREST of course because I was lucky enough to be able to go on during trials!
    Mission is COOL!! Sorry I know there is alot of people that disagree with the ride period.....but this ROCKS!!
    SPACE MOUNTAIN........ROCKS!! I loved it 10 years ago when I FIRST went to Disney and I have to admit it is STILL one of my favs!! ;D
  8. monkian

    monkian New Member

    hmmmm...Tower of terror....splash mountain....haunted mansion ....pirates of the carribean....ALL OF THEM...CAN'T CHOOSE....
  9. Ona

    Ona Member

    Space Mountain!


    Ona x
  10. Dougslar

    Dougslar New Member

    Great minds eh Ona!!! Space Mountain is a classic and one of the best rides at Disney World!!!! (especially when I got to ride it about 6 times in a row one day when the parks were dead afer 9/11)

    Laura. :)
  11. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    totally has to be splash mountain ... i would que for hours to go on that over and over again!! tower of terror is a close second ... hmmmm and third would have to be the rockin' rollercoaster, even though the last time i went on it i pulled down the safty bar wrong ( how could ne1 do that wrong i hear you ask!! ) and got my arm stuck behind my head and was shouting at them to wait b4 they start the ride and they totally ignored me so every time it went up side down my poor arm got smooshed ... it was bloody sore!!
  12. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    ToT, R 'n' R, EE and of course the best attraction of all.... The Jungle Cruise ;)

    It's not like I work there or anything...


  13. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    oooh..well...it's not a ride but...
    The Indiana Jones Stunt Show Spectacular!!!!!

    and Rock n' Rollercoaster. <3 the Aerosmith.
    But Kerrbear that SUCKS about your arm! That's not fun at all! When I last went on it, I had just gotten my ears peirced so my head got bounced around quite a bit and they were sooo sore and red after. :-[
  14. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    I've yet to ride everest but I'm sure it'll be one of my faves. I also love Tower of Terror, Rocking Roller Coaster, Haunted Mansion and the Safari.
  15. Ona

    Ona Member

    ooo oooo oooo sudden thought.... does the monorail count? :-\ ;D

    Please stand clear of the doors...por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas...[​IMG]


    Ona x
  16. welshtigger

    welshtigger New Member

    my fave ride used to be tower of terror, til the opened mission space. then i went on soarin last week, and now i cant decide-i just love disney!!! lol
  17. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    OH ONA....thanks for the memories of the MONORAIL!! I TRULY love it!! The stitch voice now cracks me UP!! :D :D
  18. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    I love rockin roller coaster, but for nostalgia reasons I have to say space mountain is my favorite. :)
  19. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    ToT, I could ride it over and over again. I just love that the drop sequence is random so you never know what's gonna happen next and each ride is a different experience.

    RnR is ok but I find it a bit boring after riding it a few times, I also find it a really rough ride and it gives me a headache.

    Phillarmagic - I absolutely love this. It was the first ride/attraction I ever went on and now if I ever feel homesick or start to question whether I'm doing the right thingd I just go into MK to go on it and it always makes me smile and makes me feel 110% better!

    Expedition Everest - I desperately need to go ride this again as have only been on once but thought it was fantastic.
  20. monkian

    monkian New Member

    MONORAIL.....too cool!!!!!!!!!

    love it love it love it

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