Face to Name

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Birdman22, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. Birdman22

    Birdman22 New Member

    Just somewhere we can see the face behind the words. Ian

  2. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    good idea ian!! this is me with the curls :)

  3. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Wow Jilly, you're so pretty!!!

    Here's a pic of me wth my boyfriend taken on Friday <3 (I'm the shorter, more female looking one).
  4. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    OMG! Are you sure you're not actually Snow White?! You look just like her! :)
  5. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    hahahah! Thanks!! I get that alot actually, hense why I'm so obsessed with her! :p
    Thanks so much!
  6. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon Guest

    Great idea. Im the one who is not a girl. From my DLP days.
  7. Here I am!!!

  8. Tee hee hee............can you tell who I'm obsessed with?

  9. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon Guest

    I dont know. Im guessing the picture has something to do with it but I cant figure it out!!!
  10. MrMet_GB

    MrMet_GB New Member

    To borrow a quote from above, I'm the one who is not a girl :p

    (See, I told you there was no baseball head...)
  11. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I also am the one thats not a girl (or green for that matter...)

    Sorry it's not the best pic of me but it's the only one I have on my comp (I deleted the one on the left)
  12. tEresa

    tEresa New Member

    this is me..!!! teresa, merchie june 13th... mexican pavilion :D
  13. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Tessa, why is it when we start this kind of thread no one posts?
  14. I KNOW!!!
    Suddenly everyone figures out how to post pictures........before NO ONE could! sheeesh
    I think there is a conspiracy going on ??? ??? ???
  15. doowop

    doowop New Member

    i dunno how to get a pic on guys!! argh! just look at my msn until i figure it out!
  16. doowop

    doowop New Member


  17. didn't work!

    You need to upload your photo to a website, try www.photobucket.com
    then copy the URL they give you for your photo and put it inbetween then [ I M G ] (your url here) [ / I M G ]
    (but without the spaces)
  18. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    aww thanks jay!

    actually cant believe how much u look like snow white as well!!!! thats unreal!! ;D
  19. Megara

    Megara New Member

    I'm not putting a picture of me up, I'll crack your monitors.

    You all are so pretty and I feel poo now! :(
  20. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    oh sshhhhhusssh!!!! dont be so silly!

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