Face to Face Interviews - Who's already had them?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by sagrime, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. sagrime

    sagrime New Member

    Hi Guys,

    So whos already had their face to face interview? and how do you think they went?

    Any information you would like to leave for fellow interviewees like questions you got asked etc, then this is the place.

  2. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    hey, I had mine yesterday, not sure how it went got a bit nervous and messed up. But the kinda questions are why do you want to work at disney, what course do you study, relevant work experience, roles you want and why and also if you've shared a room with somebody before. I think that about covers it really. Good luck :D
  3. claireyboo

    claireyboo New Member

    I had mine on the 9th. I felt like it went pretty well but who knows eh? One other question they asked was if you could have any job in WDW, what would it be and why.
    Im so nervous about finding out :/ but it's killing me having to wait so long!
  4. BigPhil

    BigPhil New Member

    Yeah, I had mine yesterday, with Jill. I feel like it went pretty well but the more I think of it the more mistakes I realised I made! Fingers crossed for us all though.

    The questions I was asked centered around what experience of work I had, what skills I hoped to learn whilst in Florida, questions about cash handling (as I had no formal experience of that). Also questions centered around problem solving for guests (with examples of previous problems I've solved in a work environment), where i see myself after I complete my studies, and if I were to work attractions (my number one choice), how would i look after guest safety,
  5. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    Yeah mine went really well too I had mine yesterday. I had Jill, I didn't make too many mistakes I thought on my feet if I didn't prepare for the answer, which is so unlike me ill would normally just panic and not say anything. So fingers crossed, I want this really badly.

    I got asked why do you want to work at Disneyworld? Where I am from? What am i studying/what job do I want in the future? What roles and why? Relevant work experience? Roomates? I think that's it.

    Now the wait begins it will be the longest couple of weeks in my entire life. Good Luck Everyone! :D
  6. sagrime

    sagrime New Member

    Glad everyones went ok :) I had mine on thurdays (10th) and I think mine went fine tbh. Interviews were running a little late but mine was quite late so they had made up time by then.

    I got asked the usual questions such as tell me about yourself, what experience have I had, looked at what roles I wanted to do then asked some specifics on them such as I wanted to be a lifeguard so they asked swimming ability and If I would do a drugs test. Then they asked about my living experiences, have I shared a room, have I lived internationally.

    But all in all I think it went well, and will have to wait another couple of weeks to find out :)

    Good luck to everyone.
  7. vickyl23

    vickyl23 New Member

    I'm panicking more and more each day, thinking of things I should have said! My interviewer mentioned about safety of the guests, he didn't ask a question about it so I didn't really feel like I needed to elaborate as he had said everything to cover it, but now I'm worried I should have suggested something. Guess all I can do is wait and see!
  8. Had mine today. Don't think I said enough or came across the way I wanted too! gah :( waiting now!
  9. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    Yeah so do I Vicky, as the days go I think oh maybe I should of said that or said more about a certain topic. I'm so not as confident as I was before, I don't think I've got it now the more I think about it. If I don't get it ill be devastated but I'll keep trying until I get on.

    What did they say to you guys about how long the wait is?
  10. ^ They told us yesterday end of November. I need a time machine :D
  11. sagrime

    sagrime New Member

    Im sure everyone did fine, no point worrying about what could have been said, theres no definative answer to what they ask.

    and I got told end of november too
  12. origamin

    origamin New Member

    I had mine on 17th and it went great. They did something unusual. They said they have been looking for people like me and I'm accepted already. I could feel my heart beating fast when I heard that. I'm still shocked (in a good way) :D My interviewer from Disney was Mr. Jeff. he is such a great guy.
  13. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    That is strange origamin but well done :) I am so bored of the waiting already, it's only been 10 days!!! got at least another 10 to wait :/ eek!!
  14. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    Aww well done origamin, Ive never heard them doing that before. At least you don't have to wait.

    I know the feeling LauraJayne, my interview was a week ago today (14th) the wait is killing me. Hope we find out soon! :D
  15. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    They said 3 weeks (it's 2 weeks on friday) but I know yummy and disney and it is likely to be later than that really :/ hope they prove me wrong though!! good luck all :D
  16. TalkingDug

    TalkingDug Member

    I was told by the end of the month. So a week tomorrow, we will know. Or earlier!

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