Face to Face Interview

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by kandicombo, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    Hey, i have my F2F next Tuesday and i was just wondering what they would ask because i didn't get a phone interview as i applied through my uni. I have a presentation at one and then my interview is at 3.40 and i really, really want this placement lol.
    Thanks in advance
  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Wow, that's a different way of doing it - wish they came to my Uni! Anyway, just be yourself and BE DISNEY. Don't swear, be positive about everything (even if it's not something you're crazy about, find a good side to it... e.g. sharing bedrooms - it's a chance to meet new people from all over the world) and have the Disney look for your interview - smart, no excessive jewellery or make up and tie long hair back (below shoulders).

    Hope this helps! 8)
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    there coming to my uni i think but not till december so i just applied on my own, what uni are u at? x
  4. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    i'm at the university of Chester. Ive had my preliminary interview now and i'm playing the waiting game to see if I have a f2f. Its driving me crazy - i just want to know now!!!!


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