F2F Edge Hill University 17th November

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Sofi, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    Anyone? I haven't met many people at all with this interview date so i thought i'd start a thread :)

    I'm travelling from Leeds so its a bit of a trekk, train then another train then a bus all before 9.30! Anyone been to the uni before?

    So you can introduce yourself here so we all know us attendees a bit better :)

    I'm Sofi, 19 and at Leeds Metropolitan University, my fave disney film is Pocahontas and i want to work on merchandise :D x
  2. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Hey! I was supposed to be in aberdeen but asked to swap it so ill be at edge hill on the 17th now :D

    Never been to the uni before, dont know how to get there but am sure my sat nav will help me :)
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    cool its so early we gotta be there tho int it, im getting a train to manchester the night before and staying at my friends house to make it slightly easier.

    u got your outfit picked out yet? x
  4. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Im not sure I just know that i got my interview changed to this one Hanah said she will send me the details! What time is it wev to eb there??

    Yea Im stayin at my friends he lives like 20mins from there so it sooooo handy!!! :D But i do need 2 drive down from scotland so going to do that the night before!

    Nope not picked it out yet got a rough idea what im going to wear tho just need tp try it one n stuff!!! Ya know how wev to take copies of our passpost- Ive sent away from a new one still waitin on it coming so mines is actually expired atm do you thiink that will be a problem im dead para :s

  5. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    nah i really dont think it will! dont worry, mines in date but to goto america u need 5 months on ur passport so i need to get a new one before i go anyway :)

    and we have to be there before half 9 to register as the presentation starts at 10

    im gunna wear a shirt and skirt with tights =] im just worried about my hair cos its a bit white atm which isn't natural disney hair but i can change it before we go lol x
  6. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    hey i had to change my interview from aberdeen to liverpool as well.
    i'm getting the 5.50 train, bad times :(
    i cannot wait 2 meet everyone tho! ;D
  7. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    hey thats the train i was gunna get and ive seen u on facebook =] what do u think we'll be asked to do at the interview then, cos we already got asked a lot on the phone :) x
  8. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Are use both coming down from scotland as well haha!! how random!! Im leaving the night before to stay with a friends if anyone wants a lift lol!

    But yea im wearin a shirt long pencil skint n tights nice pair of heels n stuff! hair should be fine maybe just wear it like nice up to the side rather than down to bring more attention to it then but should be fine :s u can always dye it for actually going!!

    I heard that the interviews not a one one one your with someone else thats gettin interviewed too !! A think theyl expand on the stuff from the phone maybe give us like role play or somethin who knows :S xxxxxxxxxx
  9. nemo

    nemo New Member

    Hey, my name is emma and my interview is at Edge Hill as well!

    The interview's are in two's, or they were last year and it was a really fun day! the presentation is great as well, I don't want to say too much and ruin it for people though!
    I wouldn't worry too much about your hair because they will just ask you to chamge it before you go and they even made some people go and get their hair cut and dyed before traditions this year.
    I'm really nervous! My name is Emma Hough if anyone wants to add me on facebook! xx
  10. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    oooo am so excited for the interview, cant wait till its just over and done with!! Did you have yours at the same place last year?? what time was it roughly finished at?? Yours nervous- u at least know what to expect!! xxxx
  11. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    i cant wait for this interview, there is so much info i want clarified!
    everyday i see someone else say something about the program that confusses me, i just want 2 see the presentation and get the facts straight becasue right now i am soooo confussed about all of the roles!

    haha thanks for the lift offer, already got my train tickets tho :p 42 quid! bad times.

    aaah less than a week 2 go!!

  12. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    i think the presentation is online, is that the same one? Im not nervous tho im more excited tbh =] and i paid £4 for my coach to manchesther then its about £15 for the train to ormskirk =s x
  13. Danielleuk19

    Danielleuk19 New Member

    im danielle ..im at leeds met uni....attending on 17th at edge hill 2!!
  14. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    I feel like there harldy anyone going to this one :s Danielle do u have a facebook?? xxx
  15. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Don't worry, there'll be loads of people - Jason said yesterday that that one was overbooked!
    There was 49 of us at Aberdeen yesterday - the presentation is good, and you get a role list when you arrive, so that will confuse you a bit less!
    Good luck y'all! ;D
  16. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    ooooo reallly only 40 odd i think i was excpecting like hunderds lol haha! how did yours go?? what time did it run onto?? lol yea cant wait to egt the presentation lol xxxxx
  17. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    yeh i need to kno what time it all finishes, i booked my coach for like 10pm so il hang at my mates after for a while,

    and what if we only chose 1 role would it limit our chances? im gunna pick like 5 but i want to be a character attendant =P x
  18. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Yea i would defo not pick only one role just incase!! If theres one u really dont wanna do then just dont put it down defo would hate custodial and bell services :s xxxx
  19. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yes, it could definately affect your application if you only pick one role... I know someone who did that for 2009 application process and didn't get offered a job at all :eek:
  20. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member


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