f2f application form here

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Frenpie, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Frenpie

    Frenpie New Member

  2. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Thanks! Can't see it as I'm on my phone atm but ill check tomorrow
  3. sangreazul8

    sangreazul8 Active Member

    a have seen it other times and i can tell you that its the same for all countries
  4. jimbolico

    jimbolico New Member

    Yep that's the one.
  5. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Yep, thats the one I had to fill out at the last f2f. Don't forget a black pen!!
  6. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Got all my photocopies, documents etc ready to go :) wish itd hurry up and be here already!
  7. I feel like its coming really quickly i mean 3 weeks is gonna fly by!

    Is everyone gonna write out all their answers and bring it with u to copy down so its easier for u? I think i will .
  8. Frenpie

    Frenpie New Member

    I`m certainly going to print out and fill in the form and bring with me:)
  9. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Good idea! Just so if anything is slightly different you can see what has changed but you got the stuff you need! I can't wait :D yay! Let's just hope we all get that magic phone call afew weeks later!
  10. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Its probably not worth printing and filling in the form before you get there. The form they give you will be the same, but printed double sided (so only one sheet) and could be on a different type/quality of paper you print on at home. The info on the form is pretty straightforward, filled from the info on your CV you'll bring with you.
  11. Frenpie

    Frenpie New Member

    Ye, but it wasn`t my intention to deliver the form I had filled out beforehand, but just make the prosess of filling out the form there easier + for all us non-englishspeaking people it makes it easier because we can check the spelling on the form we fill in at home, so the one we do delivere looks more professional:)

    All in all it`s a good way off ensuring that the day goes nicely and without unnecessary stress (hopefully:)
  12. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Yeah wasn't gonna give in the 'one I made earlier' lol.

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