Extreme newbie in need of help/calming down.

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by CuriousAlice, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    Hi hi, so I'm finally able to apply for the 2012 ICP, well not apply as in 'apply right now' but I can apply this year, woo! *babbling on*
    I created an account with Yummy Jobs and began to fill in my profile... that's when I started to panic. I'm probably getting ahead of myself but could anyone help me out with, how to I put this... how to put myself out there on the profile page and also a CV? Like things I should include. I'm worried that I won't be able to sell myself to YJ to the highest standard. Once again, babble babble. (Just ignore me)

    I've had a little part time job before, so I have some form of experience, but after looking at the Yummy Jobs profile info you have to fill out I was like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    I'd be ever so grateful if someone could knock some sense into me/help me out/tell me to shut up.

    Thanks in advance,

    Crazy babbling girl.
  2. vickiw001

    vickiw001 Member

    First of all good luck with your application! I'm mega excited about applying this year too!! :D In regards to your CV and Yummy Jobs application try http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGabriellaSofia Her vlogs and blog are really really helpful. I'm sure you will have nothing to worry about but that might just calm your nerves a little, it helped me anyway :D
  3. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Another thing you could do is to try to find a book or a DVD about job applications/resumes, there are a lot of different ones and they give help about how to make yourself stand out while staying professional. And those vlogs are really helpful, I've watched all of them.
    Good luck!!! :)
  4. shaunamufc7

    shaunamufc7 Member

    I totally agree with Vicki, her vlogs on youtube are really helpful. Ive wrote my cover letter and rewrote my CV with her help.

    I'm in the same boat with the job situation. Ive only had 1 job and I've had it just less a year so im a bit worried about job experience but hopefully my enthusiasm will make up for that.

    Good Luck with your application :) might see you in Florida next summer.
  5. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    Hey Guys, so you don't necessarily need a lot of experience as well you don't really need a cover letter. For the most part Disney looks for people they can mold and who are willing to be trained and taught. If you go in and say you know everything there is to know about flipping burgers yes it may show you have experience and would be good at the job but probably looks like you're less willing to learn the Disney way of doing it.
  6. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    Do they actually even read the cvs and stuff? Cos i wrote a dead long cover letter and got an interview but i think they just called every1 when i applied lol x
  7. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Well... they might not call someone who has absolutely nothing good to say about themselves, or makes so many spelling mistakes that it's impossible to read what they wrote. I'm pretty sure that almost everyone gets called though.
  8. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    Ah righty thanks! I've been looking at some vlogs and they're mega helpful.

    However, I was looking the profile section on Yummy Jobs and I'm a little confused with the work and experience bit.
    It asks the 'Level of Position Held' giving the options Manager, Assistant Manager or Supervisor... I was none of these.
    I assume that not everyone who applied was one of the three options either... what do I do!?
  9. Carissa_93

    Carissa_93 New Member

    Just put 'Supervisor'. I saw from previous years that other people were confused about that as well, and at least one of them emailed Yummy Jobs and they said to put Supervisor so it is the right thing to do. I also would have been confused by this too.
  10. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    Thank you!
    (Now I just feel like a pain in the butt)... but, the 'available from date' not too sure what date to put. Oh god I sound annoying. :')
  11. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

    Just put todays date... because it doesn't really matter as the program is only at certain times
  12. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    Thanks for the help!
    I filled in my profile yesterday, it's looking good. now to tackle the CV. I have one but it needs some serious cleaning up.

    I remember looking through the forum and someone posted a link of ICP/CRP blogs, but now I can't for the life of me find it. Anyone have it handy?

    I find the YouTube channels 'TheGabriellaSofia' and 'CLBass278' extremely helpful, but I'd like to broaden my knowledge so I have a better idea in general.
  13. DisneySpike

    DisneySpike New Member

  14. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    Yes yes yes that's the blog I was looking for! I read your adventures too. Loved it, sounds like you had an amazing time.

    One can only hope!! :)
  15. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    I just applied :) Good luck! For start date i put the last date in May cos thats usually when we finish our term x
  16. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    All done!
    I literally, just got back from my holiday and applied. It's been driving me mad being abroad when I could finally apply.
    Good luck to everyone applying! :)
  17. CuriousAlice I was in exact same position! I got back from Florida and applied two days later! :D
  18. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    YAY thats me!! ;D glad you find them helpful! I'm trying to put one on there every week or two especially because of new people applying for the ICP 2012!!
  19. CuriousAlice

    CuriousAlice New Member

    I worship your vlogs. :')
    For anyone reading this who hasn't watched them; DO IT!
    Anything you could ever think of asking about the programs, Catherine has covered in the vlogs.

    I loved reading your blogs too. Number 1 fan or what :p
    I came home from my holiday a few days ago and was like 'oooh new vids'
    I'll probably start pestering you regulary if I succeed any further into the program - just a warning. :')
  20. I think I watched all her vlogs in a day lol

    It's been something I've been doing every day almost, watching/reading vlogs and blogs.

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