Excellent News

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by lucus04, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. lucus04

    lucus04 New Member

    Woo hoo! Found out today that im going Feb 2008!

    sooooooooo exciting, must start saving the pennys now!

    Wish everyone else luck, Let me know any news!

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  2. lucy_corfu

    lucy_corfu New Member

    well done!!! i got in but i am sad because they gave me merch in september. i wanted f+b in feb!!! im sad yummy jobs make me sad. sounds so ungrateful but i feel let down. xx
  3. domsaunders58

    domsaunders58 New Member

    Cool well done
    i dont go out until march the 11th so you will have to fill me in on everything wen i get there
  4. ThatGuyMatt

    ThatGuyMatt New Member

    Congrats guys! Im heading out there April 22nd. Can't wait!
  5. Celtash86

    Celtash86 New Member


    Hey! I went for an Interview on the 5th of march! and sadly found out that I havent made it! Im on the waiting list! But Ill keep applying until I get in lol

    How does the interviews work? e.g. Yummy told me to apply again in July! Will i get interviewed around then or do they only interview Jan - march!
  6. DisneyDreamer85

    DisneyDreamer85 New Member

    If you're on the waiting list, you still have a great chance of getting in so it's really just a waiting game for you. I was on the waiting list and not even a week later they called.
    Apparently a lot of people cancel their trips or don't think they are ready or something so you definitely still have a chance of making it.
    I would just keep after them and just show you are persistent and that you really want it. If you don't hear anything back from them, find out when their next interviews are and then go from there again. Just don't give up...It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! :)
    Best of luck! We'll all be rooting for you!
  7. Celtash86

    Celtash86 New Member

    Thankyou! Its just horrible waiting lol when you want it so bad! I wantt o be the girl that is saving her pennies and booking flights to live my dream lol fingers crossed ill here sometime in the next few months! If not I will defo apply next time!
    Do they interview like twice a year - Feb - March then again in Sept-Nov !
  8. angeljenn3

    angeljenn3 New Member

    I know they do two sets of interviews in Canada, so I'd assume they do the same in other countries. :)

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