Hy!! it's maxime, i'm now at vista for 4 weeks !!! i hate vista ahahah prefer commons!! give my msn adress : cmaxdu62220@hotmail.com
Lol well it'll be interesting to see what I would make of Vista having previously lived in the Commons. If I do get the chance to go back I'd ideally like a 2 bed apt. in Vista. It'd just be too wierd living in the Commons again. :-\ Oh well, guess there's not much point pondering an issue I have no control over. Even assuming I actually get the chance to go back at all. Ona x
Ona your not freakin out on us are you?????? of course youll get back...you must!!! GOOD LUCK FOR TOMOROW...BY THE WAY!
Lol thanks Ana. I'm not really freaking out (well... no more than usual ) rather, I just don't want to jinx myself. :-\ ;D Ona x