Eurovision!! lol

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by *Laura*, May 21, 2005.

  1. *Laura*

    *Laura* New Member

    just a wee note to say that im really sad and will be watching eurovision tonite! lol

    clearly its all political anyway, like lets wait and see, but i predict greece giving cyprus 12 points and vice versa and watch norway give sweden 12 but not get that back in return, and also watch the UK get nothing from france!! i think we need to invite america to join in just so they can give the uk 12 points and then tony blair can lik george bushes arse and give 12 points back!! hahahaha

    anyone else gonna be watching???
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    i will be watching !!!

    ;D ;D
  3. *Laura*

    *Laura* New Member

    lol ellen this might amuse you,. i found an old post of yours with your view on the eurovision! lol.....

    here it is

    on: May 15th, 2004, 06:17:24 pm  
    Started by eeyore22, Post by *Ellen*
    I just have to add...with no relevance to this subject what so ever!.....isn't the eurovision song contest a pile of crap?? who really gives a damn??? it's the most annoying tv show to come on once a year and uses up 3 1/2 hours of perfectly good BBC1 space when they could show a film, or at least something remotely better!! really gets my goat!!  

    lol happy viewing people, personalyl ole tezza wogan makes the night for me, and it makes a good base for a drinking game!!!!!!

  4. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    I'll be watching, mostly coz there's nothing else on the tv tonight! but Im sure I would have ended up watching bits anyways!

    Go Javine!

  5. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    i only watch it to see how bad some of the country's are worth a laugh

    although wont be watching it tonight as i'm off out ;D

    i predict uk 0 points - either way we still get through no matter what we get ;D
  6. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    well its norway now - totally mad ;D

    the UK one was pritty bad poor thing (ill) the song woulda suited turkey better lol

    anyway i'm going out on a well deserved piss up now so see u all later
  7. feeona

    feeona New Member

    ive watched it every year, its really poor like big bro is now but theres something that pulls me back to watch it again and again, i think its the hope that we will win!

    gosh javine can sing!
  8. feeona

    feeona New Member

    oh i really love that song from norway, the guys who sound a bit like bon jovi!!hehe im a proper geek
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    heres my vote  

    germany glam rock all the way
    russia.....yay natalia  :D

  10. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    I voted for Moldova cuz the song was hilarious. Though my vote didn't count... *sigh*
  11. *Laura*

    *Laura* New Member

    its all over....... :'(

    well ok so greece won, they were the favourites to win and they did win, yawn.....

    my faves were definately norway, they were jokes, i mean its all a load of bullshit anyway but like norway were damn funny.........would be fun to hang out with wigwam!!!! i voted for you norway........

    and the countries that i thought were totally shit were.....


    they were pants in my opinion, obviously there are just a lot of bad taste in europe.......

    who knew israel wasnt part of europe??? my dad told me that tonite, i thought it was just european countries!


    i like hungary too!!!! nice little dance in there!!!! and i kinda really liked denmark, that school teacher, he can teach me a thing or 2! ;)

    my best friend liked the las vegas guy....

    well peeps, guess im heading to greece next may!
  12. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    wow 18 point to the uk we're getting better lol

    heres how it ended

    so we came 22nd lol, poor javine having flu, not matter what they say its all poitics now days,

    i totally agree with you however i onbly got to see up to turkey

  13. Anika

    Anika New Member

    We´re last!!!  ;D
    Well, we kind of deserved it, because the song was just soooooooooooooo AWFUL!!! :p
  14. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Yeah, Germany was a weird cross between bikers, Evanescense and Alanis Morisette. But the ABBA-ripoff was by far the worst!
  15. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    lol mylittle pony.

    didn't see germany's entry bummer, might have been funny to watch.

    loved gradma bangs the drum lol. how bad can they get
  16. Anika

    Anika New Member

    The songs are actually always kind of weird, but nevertheless, each year I end up watching the contest...It´s just a MUST. ;D
  17. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    Boonika bate toba! That's on my msnmsng now! I can't stop laughing at it. And Thank You, for all you supporters of the Norwegian contestants. In my opinion, they were the best, not because I'm Norwegian, but because they were! And Norway has had a lot of bad stuff through the years. Take Stig van Eijk, for example. Be glad you don't know that name...

    Thank you very much, and goodnight...
  18. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    just lloked at the scores properly and norway didn't give swizterland 12 points lol

    however greece and cyprus did the if u give use 12 we'll give u 12 lol
  19. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i saw the bit on bbc3 after and it was funnier than the main show ;D ;D
  20. flavour

    flavour New Member

    some of the songs are really weird! i liked norway best!

    but germany only 4 pts? i didn't expect much, but 4 pts? hahaha! didn't like the song and don't really like the artist either...she was 4th on german pop idol...did you guys know about the big cd-scandal before you could vote? wonder if that was a reason she got so few votes...

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