i bought 2 female chinese dwarf hamsters a few days ago. they are from the same litter, have never been seperated, and are only 2-3 weeks old. the first couple of days they were fine, but last night they kept squeaking at jumped at each other fighting and stuff. now i know they are meant to play fight, especially at first to determine who is the dominant one, but this morning one of them had a rather nasty looking cut on her nose. do you reckon this is still normal fighting, or is it real aggression now? im not sure whether i will have to take one back to the pet shop, even though i really dont want to :'( :'( :'(
if there anything like the rats i used to have they were violent as hell towards each other til we ended up getting rid of one it was so nasty. try googling it tho
i don't think hamsters are meant to be kept together. not when they start growing anyway, because as far as i know they're really competetive and will be aggressive. or maybe my parents just said that to stop me getting two! if i were you i wouldn;t keep them together. its sad i know...but if one has hurt the other one the chances are they're going to do it again. even if they're only play fighting. if they can't live happily (ever after) by this point they probably never will. could you not get another cage? it would be such a shame to have to give one away. they sound soo cute. xXxxXx
I had 2 rats, wee brown one and an albeano who fought each other really badly, would be cut to bits. The smaller one was a nasty piece of work, but she escaped. still have the white one, i think she was glad when the other one bolted.
well the biter is now up for adoption, and the poor sweet little one with its nose hanging off is in the vets, seeing if anything can be done. fingers crossed that antibiotics will sort it and she wont have to be put down!
Awww, the babies! My cousin had hamsters at one point, and er... one ended up eating the other, smaller one. They're uber cute and tiny, but man, they can get mean!