
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by PrincessAshi, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    I am thinking of driving to Florida...

    I'm REALLY confused about the insurance/registering thing down there. Heard (From DMV) that I have to register my vehicle after living in Florida for 10 days.

    Read on here, in FAQ, that it's after 6 months. I'm confused, can anyone help/clarify or point me to someone who knows for sure?


    Vancouver, BC, Canada
  2. It says on the Florida DMV site that it is 10 days, so I think you're right. Unless there's some way around it that we haven't found...

    "In the state of Florida, a motor vehicle is required by law to be registered within ten days of the owner either becoming employed, placing children in public school, or establishing residency. Registering your motor vehicle goes hand in hand with the titling process."


    Having said that...on the FAQ on here it says something about exceptions being made if you are in an educational or cultural exchange? I'm not really sure how that works. I don't think those questions have been updated in a while, so hopefully someone on here knows and can tell you for sure!

    Just curious, how long will it take to drive from Vancouver to Orlando?
  3. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I'm gonna guess Vancouver is 55-60ish hours... it's about 45 from central Alberta.
  4. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    O.M.G - are you kidding? how many days does that take?!!! wow,thats a LONG way......!
  5. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I'm planning (for my 45 hour ish drive) to leave a week before I have to be in Florida that way I have a couple days to get insurance, and registration and such for my car, plus it allows extra time for any issues I may come accross along the way.

    I plan on driving 8-10 hours a day so 4-5 days to get to Orlando.

    And that figure dosn't include how long it's going to take to cross the boarder (they'll probably tear open EVERYTHING I'm bringing), and it's from my house in Canada to my old apartment in Chatham.
  6. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    wow,thats such a long way....... really puts the size of the place into perspective,north america is HUGE!!!!! (come on,im from Scotland,its tiny!!!!!) but i guess driving is good because you can take loads of stuff with you and youl have transport with you after you arrive. unlike me whos having to stuff everything into a suitcase!!!
  7. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    Ya its about 30 hrs from Winnipeg Manitoba to Orlando... so if i were able to go ... i'd take my car and probably give myself 4-5 days to drive down...that way you get to see some sites too along the way..... quickly see them but atleast get to see them....
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah, normally I wouldn't drive but I had a few issues with the bus system that annoyed me enough to decide I wanted my car.

    A) Lack of transport outside of Disney (Not that I'm really complaining, just I'm too cheap for a taxi normally so I didn't do much else)

    B) Wal Mart bus runs 5-6 days a week and for half days only (which can make grocery runs difficult)

    C) Epcot closing = HUGE crowds for the C Bus

    D) Some busses (Downtown Disney/Wal Mart) run once an hour, others every 30 min, meaning if you miss a bus you're sorta hooped.

    So to make a long story short, I didn't hate the busses, they just wern't convienent enough for me. Although when I work morning shifts I still plan on taking the bus for work, forces me to get up on time for work and well the bus isn't all that busy in mid day for me to come home on either.
  9. StarsMeltMidnight

    StarsMeltMidnight New Member

    I drove from Vancouver to Orlando for my program last summer, and took about 4 days. We left Wednesday evening, and got there on Sunday afternoon. And Jorden, crossing the border wasn't bad at all. By the time I was done inside customs getting my work card in my passport they had finished looking in the car, and I didn't notice anything really out of place or anything.

    About insurance/registration ... when I was down there on the Cultural Rep program in the Canadian pavilion (I didn't have my car during that program) all the Canadians had to get Florida plates and insurance. The Clubhouse wouldn't issue them a parking pass without it. I know of 1 person who got away with have Saskatchewan stuff for her whole year, but she just got lucky I believe.

    I went back on the H2B alumni program (which is only 6 months) and that time I took my car. I called the Florida DMV before going down there and they told me I'd have to switch over, but I really didn't want to switch plates, insurance, and have to get my car inspected so I just decided I would stick with all my BC stuff until I was specifically told to do otherwise. I had no problems, neither Vista or the Treehouses said anything about it when I got my parking passes. But yeah, if you're doing the year-long program, chances are you're gonna have to switch over to Florida plates and such.

  10. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Thanks for the tips... I'm hoping to get there a few days before I move in so all that can be taken care of before I start working.
  11. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    And I forget about my own Post...

    Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm totally not sure anymore what I'm doing as I probably don't have a driving partner to go down with anymore.

    but we will see, from my friends a car is really beneficial for the shopping trips alone.

    thanks again for the tips
  12. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Believe me this is true (and if I didn't mention it above, it's very handy when the parks close!)
  13. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Now I just need to find someone to go down with :p
  14. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Well I can't help you with the driving buddy part, when do you go down? I can e-mail you all the information I find out in June after I get there if you need me too (ie where to go for plates/liscense)
  15. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    lol...thank, however, I'm heading down at the End of April...I might fly and then have my parents bring my car after...

    Thanks Though
  16. Linz

    Linz New Member

    Question ???

    Do you have to pay for parking at your apartment or if you drive
    into work? If so how much does it cost?

    Also I understand that disney will cover the cost of your one way flight/train to get down there. If you drive down could you claim any of your gas or hotel? (my guess is no, but i'll ask anyway)
  17. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    You don't have to pay for parking.
    I don't think you could claim anything if your driving down. But maybe I am wrong ???Can anyone else answer that question?
  18. linsey

    linsey New Member

    i was told to keep all receipts for travel, including train to the airport or anything, but I think if you were to spend a fortune on petrol getting there they may not give you it all back.
  19. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    I think if you were to drive they would pay an equivalent to a flight.

    Not 100% sure

    Keep all receipts would be my best advice and see when you get down t here...

    I'm not driving anymore, I miss my Roma already and I'm not even gone. I am making my mom sign a contract that she'll take care of her while I'm gone. Take her out once a week for a drive around the block, wash her every two weeks...yes she's my baby and I'm going to MISS HER!
  20. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    Yeah, we push and shove our way onto the C bus. I saw somebody drop their purse and they just left it there cause they didn't want to go back for it!!

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