Oh no i had a dream last night that i got an email form michelle saying i didnt make the cut.... i was so up set i was crying and then i emailed her to ask why ..... i hope this isnt an omen! xxxx
its not neccaserily an omen of grief ... crying and misery in dreams are often thought to be omens of happiness
My nightmare is, and this actually happened yesterday: My e-mail sent out spam e-mail to everyone on my recent contacts, including Kristen and Michele @ Yummy which might have contained a virus! It was telling them to go to some random website and buy stuff from a woman called Tracey and if they mentioned my name they would get discounts! The weird thing is I never even had the e-mail at all. :-\ I really hope it was just spam!!!! And I was like oh my word what kind of impression is that gonna send to the people at Yummy? But yeah I know what you mean LauLau, that added to the normal 'they're never going to accept me' worry was :'( I think we all need a bit of Magic to cheer us up! xx
As for me, it happens all the way around. I constantly dream about already working there. Dont worry gals, u will be both, really soon in Disney. Dont worry, just try not to think a lot about it. Robb
OMG i had a nightmare last night it was awful! *screams* I dreamt that we all got there to the apartment complexes and they were horrilbe! I mean like absolutely disgusting, falling down, rats and all sorts! I know it's not like that really, but it really unsettled me lol Anyway back to happy thoughts........ I will get accepted.................I will get accepted ...................
LOL. It will happen the whole time. I had nightmares (and good dreams) from July 2007 when I first found out till Feb.2008 when I found out. All about the ideas of getting in. Sometimes of working there even. Now that I am in almost every night is a dream about being there, some good, some bad, and some so crazy I cant tell if they are good or bad. Tou guys will have all kinds of dreams between now and when you leave. Worst will happen between your F2F and the answer. WORST WAIT EVER. If you even sleep enough to dream, I know I didnt much. But when I did that horrible wait also took place in my dream. Drives you crazy very fast the longer it takes.
Same goes for me. Every day I was short of breath when I checked my email. Also, everyone found out if they were in or if they were not in before I did. I had to email and ask if they had forgotten about me and I received an email saying "TRACEY CALL ME ASAP I HAVE A FOOD AND BEVERAGE ROLE FOR YOU" It was awesome. But every time I'd check my email I wouldn't be able to breathe. Also the nightmares were bad. When ever I was like walking somewhere i'd always make up scenarios in my head. Unfortunately it comes with the job.
All that to look forward to? WOW i can't wait lol Those replies from Yummy better hurry up before i go crazy!!
Yeah I know....... but it is getting closer now. How much longer will it be do you reckon? I sent my stuff on the 2nd, but other ppl have only just applied soooooo do they wait a month from the last ppl to apply or what? xx
Probbly hear something in August sometime. Maybe closer to the end, but could be early. Ours was 2 months of applying and phone interviews and then then the next month was the F2F. So expect to hear more a month before your F2F or so. I don't think they would call to many people till after July. Probbly just collecting resumes right now and going through them putting them in the piles... thoese that will get a phone interview, and thoese that sadly wont be getting that far. In August hopefully you guys will be getting more news. At least they tell you either way, even if you don't make it so you don't have to panic forever wondering.
oh my gosh i'm kinda glad its not just me then..... i was so sad when it happend think a year in disney would turn my life around... after the year i'm having xxx