
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Chloe, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Just got back from the interview - it was great meeting all of you that I did :)

    I also got robbed on my way home and someone took my bags from the hotel....hmm...yeah they better give me the job now! ::)


    Good luck all ;D
  2. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    Hey so sorry to hear ur bags got stolen, was a lot taken? Keeping my fingers crossed you get the job in order to ease the loss a little if thats possible!!???

    Jess x
  3. baby_natz16

    baby_natz16 New Member

    no way...that's awful. im sure that to balance out this bad karma, something good will come your way! ;D
  4. josie

    josie New Member

    can't believe its all over!

    had so much fun! and everyone was right, there is really nothing to worry about!

    two weeks is soooooooo long to wait though! grrrr

  5. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    I know, it all went so fats, I was done by 12.30! 15th of March... :-\
    It was good to meet everyone tho!
  6. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    Sorry to hear about your bags Chloe, you must deserve some luck after that! How'd you think it went? Mine was ok, but I don't know!
    I had Frank!

  7. DisneyMichelle

    DisneyMichelle Active Member

    Chloe thats rubbish about your bags!! They were actually stolen from the hotel!?!?

    I heard from Charlotte you guys are gonna know by march 15th which is when I leave so hopefully youll all get the good news before I leave so Ill know when everyone'll be joining me later this year!! Are they using the yellow cards too or just the call!?!

    So what was the interview like - what recruiters wre there!? And how much did you love the presentation!!!!!

    Fingers crossed you all hear good news soon!!
  8. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    aww great guys, well done, on getting through, but chloe thats terrible!

    yeah i'm wondering the same as michelle :)

  9. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    Sorry bout the bags chloe thats so bad!
    I had julia and shewas lovely i had so much fun and now ive jus got my fingers crossed!
    Nice to meet everyone
    Hopefully see you all soon
    Kel xx
  10. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Aww Chloe so sorry to hear about ur bags u poor thing.

    Thats fantastic you guys will know by 15th March - we had to wait about a month. Although im sure two weeks will feel like a long wait... But its def good you'll no soon for people who need to make other job decisions - like Dan...

    Who were ur interviewers - did either Dru or Julie show up?

    Really hope u all get thru and good luck to everyone going tomorrow,
  11. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Good news on the bag front! Some random cab driver had picked it up by mistake & brought it back. ANDDD since my wallet was stolen (in a seperate incident I might add lol) - somebody found that about 20 miles away and is mailing it to me lol Gotta wait for new cards to come through though since I cancelled all the others. Fancy robbing a penniless student ::)

    As for the interview - I had Julia, who was v nice - a tad scurry towards the end though lol She wasn't giving anything away so I have no idea how I did.
    Roll on March 15th! ;D
  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    awww thats great news chloe!

    aww julie is lovely, she said 2 me at the end of the interview i'll see u in the future i was like what?! am i supposed 2 read in 2 that, i proper got panicy lol

  13. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Well you got the job so obviously you were!lol ;D
  14. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Thats good Chloe hopefully u didnt lose to much...

    Was that Julie from Texas who interviewed you? She interviewed me last November she was really nice typically american i thought.

  15. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah i did chloe, but still them sayin that 2 u its crazy!

  16. EvilQueen

    EvilQueen New Member

    Chloe... congrats on getting through the interview, happy to hear that you got your bags back.

    I had Julie for my interview in October. She was really hard to read and I had no idea how my interview really went. I thought it went well, but she really doesn't give anything away. All worked out in the end though.

    Good Luck... and be very thankful you only have to wait a couple of weeks, but it will drag, I guarantee that.

    Sandra :)
  17. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    aw chloe sorry to hear that! it sucks i got my purse and phone stolen once. horrible!

    anyway good to hear you got on ok! Im sure you did great!

  18. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals,

    good u enjoy the interview!!
    Now ur waiting has begun.
    I just hope it is not as long as mine, as I am one of the top 3 of the longest wait
    ever, I think.

    Hey Chloe, sorry about ur bags, that sucks!!!
    But hey if u have one bad day, u will have 7 good days!!!
    one of those days might ne a letter telling u are ACCEPTED!!!
    Keep ur fingers cross.

    Hey Loops: Ar eu meaning u r coming March 15 th too?
    If yes, THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

    Hey for the rest of the guys that went
    Keep ur fingers cross!!!
    Keep ur hearts up and the magic will come to ur lifes!!!

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  19. emma

    emma New Member

    hey guys yeah it was great to meet u all!!! i dont think i got it as from what ppl have sed they kinda incline whethere u do or not! ie saras !futre" comment! i hope thats not always the case like! neway gud luk 2 all those today! and i guess now we wait! but im deffo re applying on march 15th if i havnt got it!
  20. disney_dreamer

    disney_dreamer New Member

    hey guys...

    what an awesome day..i had the best time,the presentation was amazing,i just wanted to jump into the big screen and be there,especially wen we saw the apartments :) :) :)

    i had mark for my interview,he was soo relaxed,i was soo nervous,but i tried my best,we ended up talking about disneys make a wish and all the volunteer work i could do,and then somehow our conversation went onto sushi!!!!he was soo cool though....

    so now ill just have to wait,hope it goes quick :-\

    good luck everyone xxxx

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