Doesn't the pack ROCK!!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by KirstyLouise, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Well it came today in the mail!! The postman was mega late tho...which was annoying!

    It all seems so real now, which is good coz I was beginning to think it was all a dream.

    Aren't to stickers soooo cute!! And the luggage tags rock!

    Anyway I'm on a bit of a high now haha!!

  2. KT

    KT New Member

    I still haven't got mine and im going in two months!

    I really, really, really want it to come soon
  3. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey don't worry, I'm leaving in 26 days and haven't gotten mine yet. Although I think it's supposed to come this week. Lets hope so! :)
  4. KT

    KT New Member

    They said it would come in January then they said March, then they said the first week of April.

    Does all our Visa stuff come with the pack?
  5. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Well I think the pack comes a week or two after you send in your background check. Maybe not, I talked to Nicola last week and she said they were sending mine out last Friday so maybe they just sent them all out at the same time. As for the visa, I would assume so, or else when would we be getting them? Although there is some confusion going around with the visas: Cast-A-Way says that we don't have to worry about them, that they are taken care of. However, a friend of mine said they contacted WDW International Recruiting directly and they told him we had to procure them on our own. So, I figure there is a miscommunication somewhere and I sent WDW Int. Rec. an email to make sure because I was pretty sure it is taken care of. Like maybe Cultural Reps have to get their own, but ICP's have it taken care of for them since we only go for a few months...but who know's! We'll find out soon!
  6. tinkerbell**

    tinkerbell** New Member

    cast a way takes care of all your visa stuff for you.. since we're from canada the visa process is much easier for us than say if we were from the UK..
  7. impulse

    impulse New Member

    I was wondering when the package will come in! This week eh? How exciting! Just in time too, I'll be going home this weekend after I finish all my exams, hopefully the package will be there to give me a nice greeting.
  8. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Cool, that clears things up! Since you went last year, you must be right!

    That'll be a nice welcome home present! So jealous, not done exams until next week! :'(
  9. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Just thought I'd let y'all know that I just got the e-mail from WDW Int. Recruiting and this is what they said:

    "Canadians do not get a visa stamp in their passport. You do not need to go to the consulate. Sorry for the confusion."

    So that's that, no more if, and or buts, the matter is setteld.
  10. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    Oh excellent I was wondering about all the visa stuff too. And as for the info pack, I was told that even though I'm leaving in July, I probably wouldn't get mine until June, even though I had my background check in about two weeks after they contacted me in March.
    Which is fine, except for I want it now!! ;D
  11. monkian

    monkian New Member

    i got mine about two months and still read it every night before bed
  12. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    I will probably be doing that too. I wonder why I have to wait so long?
  13. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    I spoke to Eric about 2 weeks ago about our VISA's!! Being a CANADIAN EVERYTHING is done for YOU!!! All you do is SIT TIGHT and WAIT!! Your package is suppose to come a MONTH before you leave!! If it does NOT arrive, you should CALL CAST-A-WAY!! That way, you are taking to the EXACT place!! Canadians do not need to call the States at all!! Eric, Nicola and the gang are GREAT and VERY VERY helpful!!!

    DO NOT STRESS although I KNOW it's EASY for me to say!! They ROCK!! ;D ;D
  14. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Ooh! Mine should be coming soon!
  15. KC

    KC New Member

    I got mine a couple of weeks back...

    And to take a phrase from someone I know...

    "It's a thing of beauty"... From the look book, to the tags, to the info book itself, I LOVE my info pack!

    And to think that there'll be even cooler things given to us in training *explodes*
  16. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I think everyone I knew read mine... for the first few days after I got it I took it everywhere and kept reading it to make sure I didn't miss anything.

    It's just kind of like.. ner ner I'm really going to Disney now and none of you are! Hehe
  17. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Ooooh!! I'm excited... I hope it comes today!
    The mailman should be comin around in a few hours.....
  18. KT

    KT New Member

    I got an email from Alexis today. My pack has been sent today, so shouldn't be much longer.

    My arrival date has also changed from 20th June til 18th June!
  19. impulse

    impulse New Member

    Did it ever arrive? I'm anxious too, even though I wont' be there to accept it if it comes in by the end of this week!
  20. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    No, I didn't get it yesterday... I won't be home until after the mail gets delivered today so I hope its there waiting for me!

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