Does anyone else have days where they wake up and go... WOW?!?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by gemmalou, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    Hey Guys!

    I think its actually starting to sink in that Im going to live with mickey mouse in less than 7 weeks! My university degree show is over and done with, and by saturday Ill have packed up and moved back home with my parents- and then I've got a tonne of organising to do before I go on July 18th!! :)

    I think Ive been so busy with uni stuff lately that its not all sunk in, but now Ive got nothing else left to think about and its just like - WOW IM GOING TO LIVE WITH MICKEY MOUSE, IN FLORIDA, FOR A YEAR!!!!!! ;D

    I cant be the only one who has these sudden realisation moments- its crazy!!!

    Hope everyones doing ok, and getting as excited as I am!!!

    Big Hugs


  2. Megara

    Megara New Member

    Oh yeah... I even wake up in the middle of the night and think, WOW! I actually made it, I'm really going to live in Florida with some of the greatest people in the world, doing somthing I've been dreaming of my whole life, for a whole year!

    To think a year ago it was still just that, a dream ;D
  3. scarkat

    scarkat New Member

    Same here!!!
    I'm leaving in 17 days and I still can't believe it!!!
    Just a month ago I thought "There goes another broken dream" and all of a sudden I get the call and I'm like :eek:
    I've been dreaming almost every single night on something related to the whooole Disney experience and I've read so many things here from other cast members and heard so many things from a couple of friends who are already there that I'M SO FREAKING ANXIOUS!! hehehe

    Next week I should be getting my visa ::fingers crossed:: I think then it will all be so much more real.. that i'm gonna be all over the place haha

  4. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Every single day, Gemma, every single day :D
  5. james_wales

    james_wales New Member

    I have dreamed about Florida and Disney every night for the past 2 weeks! Just can't get it out of my head :)

    In the middle of exam's at the moment, and doing well so i haven't got to stay back in the UK to re-sit is my motivation to put the work in now to pass them!

    xx ::)
  6. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Hehe well usually I wake up and wonder if I'm late for work (I'm petrified that my alarm won't go off), but a lot of the time I have to stand still for a second and realise where I'm actually working...usually when I'm watching Wishes or Illuminations or Fantasmic, or when I've had a great crew at the Jungle Cruise who said they had a good time, and I remember that I'm doing that and it's exactly what I came for!

    I also get that feeling a lot when I walk around Vista, just because it feels very strange to think I'm living in Florida! Despite having been here for 4 months LOL.
  7. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    I wake up and freak out that another day has gone by and wonder if I did anything usefull to make the most of my last days with my family and friends here.
    Sure, Im excited but I want more time at home but I only have 16days...
  8. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    I know exactly what you mean!! I know ive got over 6 weeks left, but im still at uni at the moment, and have to move home this week and stuff. So after 3 years of uni ive got to say a big goodbye to all my friends and housemates here. Then its home to see my family, but id like to get a job for the month before i go to try and help my parents out with the cost of this because its been so sudden- but then again i dont want to be working all the hours between now and when i leave because i want to spend time with my family! :-\

    Its going to be an emotional few weeks, i can see it :'(

  9. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    It is a wonderful feeling when you just sit and think about what the next year will bring. New friends, new experiences, really a whole new way of living. I am extremely excited as I'm just graduated university, as are most of my friends, and we are all heading out on different paths. I hate that we're all separating, but I think this will make our friendship even stronger. I've actually decided to take the month before I leave to spend with family and friends. I've been working and going to school for five years straight, so even my parents wanted me to have a bit of a break, thank goodness. I think I may be looking forward to the time off as much as moving to Florida :D
  10. scarkat

    scarkat New Member


    And it's sooooooo weird for me 'cause my sister is pregnant, she'll be having her first baby (THE FIRST BABY IN THE FAMILY.. FIRST NEPHEW, FIRST GRANDSON) in October so I won't be able to be there for her... so of course, I try to help her out as much as I can and try to make up for all the amazing moments I'll miss :'( and of course, my very best friend's wedding is on July 15th, needless to say I won't be there so I also try to help her out with the arrangements and I just threw her a bacholerette party and you know... I'm also trying to make up for the fact that I, her maid of honour, won't be there.. *sigh* and there's also my family.. I'm very close to them so I try to spend as much time with them as possible and I'm helping Mom with my sister's baby shower arrangements and.. you know... THERE'S SO MUCH TO DOOOOOO!! hehe's hard to concentrate 'cause 99% of my time.. I'm thinking of Disney.. like.. WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?? and how amazing will it be!!! and seeing Wishes agaaaaaaaain and you know... I'm like.. ALL OVER THE PLACE hahaha!!!

    I can hardly waaaaaaaaaait!!! ;D but, it's sorta bittersweet because of it all.. yet.. this is like the most amazing thing it has ever happenned to me!! *YAAAAY*
  11. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Wow Scarlet! You must be soooo tired from all that work.
    Im sorry to hear you miss you best friends wedding, no last minute chances to make it a Disneyworld Wedding eh?

    I made some really close friends back in September from my Psychology class and I really hate to not be able to spend the summer with them or anything. I kind of know what you mean with the baby thing. My best friend has a 2year old who I just loove like she was my own and I can't believe I'm missing a whole year of her life! I dunno that she'll still know who I am when I get back! :'(

    But I guess sacrifices must be made for disney...and you do come home eventually!
    Best of luck to you all! Make the best of your last days!
  12. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Hey Gem...and others...

    I go through that feeling regularly...even though I don't go for another 6 months!!

    Sometimes I completely forget aobut it and then I'll be on the train or something going to uni and it will register that soon it will all be different...different scenery, weather, clouds, sky etc etc...but at least I know I'll have great mates over there!!

    I will miss my family more than anything as I don't have a great deal of close mates anymore...most people on my uni course are mature students with families/lives of their own so they don't tend to mingle much. I think I will miss my disney mates more coz you guys are the best!! :)

  13. Kayleigh

    Kayleigh New Member

    20 days!!! :D yay!!
  14. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Every single day i wake up and feel sooo lucky and think to myself in x amount of days im goin be loving it up in disneyland!! i cannot wait!!
  15. monkian

    monkian New Member

    I just keep thinking something bad is going to happen so i can't go....i know it won't ..........but i just can't believe whole family...YES EVERYONE but have just come back from WDW (i would have gone too if it had'nt been for stoopid exams!) and since hey got back we have spent every night talking about my year out there.

    I know how peopl feel about leaving family and youngin's behind ...but every few years my family goes out thee together (good ol' Old key west resort!) and we have so many great memories...especially considering we are now dotted all over this lil island of is kinda like a second home! and i'm looking forward to being the COOL aunt!! think of all the cool stuff i can send back to my nephew and niece!

    man i can't believe i am actually going.... is so scary!!
  16. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    It's absolutely crazy ... I almost don't believe that it's really!

    I haven't been to WDW in 6 years ... so I am long over due, and looking forward to the small amount of time we have off to have some fun. And to be honest, even though I'm doing QS F&B I am looking forward to the job too. It's not just fast food (I can do that here) it's getting to be even the smallest part of the magic for all of the guests. I do wish I could have a little more guest contact though ... but I guess I'll have to work on that after this program.

    Mara's dream job: Imagineer for Body Works in Epcot. Combines my love for Physiology (which I just got my BSc Degree in) and Disney!
  17. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Well put, Mara!
    Getting to treat the guests the way I've been treated, when going to the parks...except for that bitch time when they wouldnt let me going to be one of the best parts of the job!
    That and JAM is gonna rock! As well as hanging out with all the other cool cats from this site!

    However, Mara, Bodyworks has closed...sorry to be the one to bring bad news.
  18. monkian

    monkian New Member

    it is gonna be sooo cool to work ther.... i soo wanna create disney magic for the guests.....itll be soooo cool!!! repaying disney for all they have done for me......

    and indeed jam and all other cool cats it is gona be so cool to finally hang out with you :'( i feel i know you already :'(

    hee hee so mushy !!!!
  19. MONA

    MONA New Member

    i think that the best part of this forums is that we meet new people and when we arrive to orlando we won`t feel alone
    it`s great
  20. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Exactly Ana and Mona.
    I've already gotten to meet up with some Disney CMs like coffeehype, Ducannon, Brynna and Soda106...all super fun and great meetings!
    It's really cool to know a bunch of people before you're thrown into the new environment knowing no one.

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